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Petition: Aborted Babies (Disposal) (26 Nov 1991)

Ann Winterton: ...cells of aborted babies were being used in controversial new treatments for Parkinson's disease. As a result, the Secretary of State for Health commissioned the Rev. Dr. John Polkinghorne, Dean of Trinity hall, Cambridge, to chair a committee to consider the ethical questions that that raised. Dr. Polkinghorne and his committee studied the matter and made several recommendations which,...

Prayers: Overseas Development (14 Dec 1990)

Peter Bottomley: the amount of aid. At the Africa Centre a few days ago, when the book "Bad Samaritans" was discussed by my right hon. Friend the Member for Bath (Mr. Patten) and by Dr. Charles Elliott, Dean of Trinity Hall, Cambridge and former director of Christian Aid, I asked how we might double or redouble our loving. Dr. Elliott suggested that it might be by increasing our vulnerability. One of...

Electoral Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) (22 Nov 1983)

David Winnick: ...the Tory party is connected. I should like shareholders to be given that right. It is interesting to note that in a recent Fabian Society pamphlet, the author, Dr. Keith Ewing, who lectures at Trinity hall, Cambridge, says: not only are political donations made without shareholder consultation, they are almost certainly unlawful in many cases. He says: Most companies do not have any...

Local Government (Scotland) Bill. ( 5 Feb 1929)

Mr Walter Elliot: ...educational record of my Friend the hon. Member for Orkney and Shetland, and I find the clue of his attachment to the educational system which he praises. His school is St. Paul's and his college is Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The hon. Baronet spoke at length upon the necessity of parents having close and immediate contact with the education of their children. Well, let us take one of these...

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