All 2 results for "the northern school of art"

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Middlesbrough Development Corporation (14 Mar 2023)

Rachel Maclean: ...the planned multimillion-pound investment in Middlesborough, spearheaded by that corporation, to go ahead. It will bring big improvements to culture and education, including through the expansion of the Northern School of Art, and improvements to local transport through the development of Middlesborough train station. The Middlesbrough development corporation is just the next chapter in...

Fire Safety Bill (29 Apr 2020)

Mike Hill: ...seen a proliferation in private rented accommodation, an increase in the number of homes of multiple occupancy and the introduction of student accommodation, thanks to the success and reputation of the Northern School of Art, which is located in the town. The student accommodation and multi-occupancy dwellings are relatively new phenomena in their numbers and therefore have posed new...

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