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Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (16 May 2024)

Alison Johnstone: The next question is, that motion S6M-13172, in the name of Karen Adam, on behalf of the selection panel, on appointment of the chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights, be agreed to. Motion agreed to, That the Parliament nominates Professor Angela O’Hagan to His Majesty The King for appointment as the Chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights.

Scottish Parliament: Scottish Human Rights Commission (Appointment) (16 May 2024)

Karen Adam: ...and effectively and meets its strategic objectives. I move, That the Parliament nominates Professor Angela O’Hagan to His Majesty The King for appointment as the Chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights.

Scottish Parliament: Business Motions ( 8 May 2024)

Alison Johnstone: ...Administration (Scotland) Bill followed by Financial Resolution: Aggregates Tax and Devolved Taxes Administration (Scotland) Bill followed by Appointment of the Chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights followed by Appointment of Member of the Scottish Commission for Public Audit followed by Business Motions followed by...

Scottish Parliament: United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 (16 Mar 2021)

Ruth Maguire: ...and consistency on who should be consulted. It will further provide in section 7(5A) that specific consultation is required with the Commissioner for Children and Young People in Scotland and the Scottish Commission for Human Rights, in line with the other consultation requirements in the bill. I welcome the Scottish Government’s support for the amendment.

Scottish Parliament: Chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission ( 2 Feb 2016)

Drew Smith: ..., Professor Alan Miller, and to wish him well for the future. [Applause.] I move, That the Parliament nominates Ms Judith Robertson to Her Majesty The Queen for appointment as the Chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights.

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time ( 2 Feb 2016)

Tricia Marwick: ...of the chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission, be agreed to. Motion agreed to, That the Parliament nominates Ms Judith Robertson to Her Majesty The Queen for appointment as the Chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights.

Scottish Parliament: Scottish Parliamentary Commissions and Commissioners etc Bill: Stage 1 (24 Mar 2010)

Trish Godman: ...undertake its scrutiny role effectively, and in light of the previous Finance Committee's recommendations, the bill provides for the governance arrangements to be brought into line with those in the Scottish Commission for Human Rights Act 2006 and enhances the provisions in that act to provide that proposals covering expenditure, the appointment of staff and the location of offices shall...

Scottish Parliament: Scottish Local Government (Elections) Bill: Stage 3 (17 Jun 2009)

Mary Mulligan: because I spent two years on the former Justice 1 Committee, which considered bills such as the Family Law (Scotland) Bill and the Scottish Commissioner for Human Rights Bill—which became the Scottish Commission for Human Rights Act 2006—which were anything but straightforward. However, even when a bill appears straightforward, it is important that it is scrutinised properly. I hope...

Scottish Parliament: First Minister's Question Time: Victims Champion (29 Jan 2009)

Robert Brown: Does the First Minister nevertheless accept that the primary responsibility for supporting victims lies with the Government at various levels? Does he agree that the Scottish Commission for Human Rights could play a useful role in examining support given to victims and making recommendations, and that a powerful critique of that kind, based on human rights analysis, could make a significant...

Scottish Parliament: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (10 Dec 2008)

Fergus Ewing: ...for the human rights agenda, which can be tarnished by episodes such as the ones that Bill Aitken was right to highlight. I should not and will not let this occasion pass without mentioning the new Scottish Commission for Human Rights. The SCHR has as its chair an internationally respected expert in human rights, Professor Alan Miller, and we look forward to working closely with the...

Scottish Parliament written answers — Parliamentary Commissioners: Parliamentary Commissioners (12 Nov 2008)

Mike Pringle: ...does not wish to be considered for a second term of office. Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland (Ms Karen Carlton) Initial five-year appointment ends on 31 May 2009. Chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights (professor Alan Miller) andMembers of the Commission (Professor Kay Hampton, Shelagh McCall and John McNeil The Chair of the Commission was appointed on 3...

Scottish Parliament: United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ( 6 Nov 2008)

Nicol Stephen: Africa? In Scotland, a lot has been done on children's rights and involvement. We have a Children's Parliament, a Scottish Youth Parliament, a new Commissioner for Children and Young People and a Scottish Commission for Human Rights. However, a massive amount still needs to be done to deliver real change for the next generation of young people in Scotland. If rights are to be...

Scottish Parliament: Parliamentary Bureau Motions ( 8 Oct 2008)

Alex Fergusson: ...agrees that the draft Freedom of Information (Relaxation of Statutory Prohibitions on Disclosure of Information) (Scotland) Order 2008 be approved. That the Parliament agrees that the draft Scottish Commission for Human Rights (Specification) Order 2008 be approved. That the Parliament agrees that the draft Adults with Incapacity (Electronic Communications) (Scotland) Order 2008 be...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time ( 8 Oct 2008)

Alex Fergusson: ...agrees that the draft Freedom of Information (Relaxation of Statutory Prohibitions on Disclosure of Information) (Scotland) Order 2008 be approved. That the Parliament agrees that the draft Scottish Commission for Human Rights (Specification) Order 2008 be approved. That the Parliament agrees that the draft Adults with Incapacity (Electronic Communications) (Scotland) Order 2008 be approved.

Scottish Parliament: Civil Liberties (13 Dec 2007)

Robert Brown: ...culture. Civil liberties are important to all parts of society. If my civil liberties are interfered with, it interferes with your civil liberties. That is why Parliament agreed to establish the Scottish Commission for Human Rights. The motion is highly apposite and I ask the Parliament to support it.

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (29 Nov 2007)

Alex Fergusson: The final question is, that motion S3M-884, in the name of Pauline McNeill, on behalf of the selection panel on the appointment of the chair of the Scottish commission for human rights, be agreed to. Motion agreed to. That the Parliament nominates Professor Alan Miller to Her Majesty The Queen for appointment as Chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights.

Scottish Parliament: Scottish Commission for Human Rights (Appointment of Chair) (29 Nov 2007)

Hugh O'Donnell: It is a great honour to wind up this short debate on the nomination of Professor Alan Miller for appointment as the chair of the Scottish commission for human rights. On behalf of Liberal Democrats and, I am sure, all members, I congratulate him on his nomination. I pay tribute to Robert Brown, who, when he was Deputy Minister for Education and Young People in the previous session, steered us...

Scottish Parliament: Equality and Diversity (28 Nov 2007)

Robert Brown: ...finds it possible to refer in its motion to the Great Britain Commission for Equality and Human Rights, whose remit in key respects is limited to reserved matters, but to ignore completely the Scottish Commission for Human Rights, which was established by this Parliament, whose remit is commensurate with our responsibilities and whose chair will be approved by the Parliament tomorrow. I...

Scottish Parliament: Business Motions (21 Nov 2007)

Alex Fergusson: ...Growth; Justice and Law Officers delete 2.55 pm Scottish Government Debate: A Better Future for Scotland's Children: Ending Domestic Abuse Against Women followed by Appointment of the Chair of the Scottish Commission for Human Rights and insert 2.55 pm Ministerial Statement: Pandemic Flu followed by Scottish Government Debate: A Better Future for Scotland's Children: Ending Domestic...

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