Did you mean "Renewable fuel Agency"?
Norman Baker: ...Agency 70 Driving Standards Agency 15 Government Car and Despatch Agency 7 High Speed Two Ltd (2)2 Highways Agency 87 Maritime and Coastguard Agency 16 Passenger Focus 5 Renewable Fuels Agency (3)5 Vehicle and Operator Services Agency 25 Vehicle Certification Agency 8 (1) Includes internal audits conducted in the British Transport Police Force and...
Norman Baker: ...policy. The Department for Transport has made no specific assessment of the potential contribution from waste-derived biofuels to the development of the green economy or green jobs. However, the Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA) and the Department for Transport have published information on the supply of biofuels, including listing all biofuels producers who have claimed renewable transport...
Norman Baker: ...13 onwards. Estimates for the costs (in £000) of implementing staff reductions in the Department's non-departmental public bodies are as follows: 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Renewable Fuels Agency No current estimate British Transport Police Authority No current estimate Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee DPTAC has no direct employees ...
Norman Baker: ...Organisation Date closed Women no longer serving Men no longer serving Commission for Integrated Transport 30 September 2010 16 5 Cycling England 31 March 2011 7 2 Office of the Renewable Fuels Agency 1 April 2011 4 0
Tessa Jowell: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what estimate his Department has made of the level of savings which will accrue from the abolition of the Renewable Fuels Agency.
Norman Baker: ...fund 15,680 30,247 24,592 94,611 30,247 Driving Standards Agency Trading fund (1)- (1)- (1)- (1)- (1)- British Transport Police Non-departmental public body 0 0 0 0 0 Renewable Fuels Agency Non-departmental public body 0 0 0 0 0 Passenger Focus Non-departmental public body 0 0 0 0 0 High Speed 2 (HS2) Non-departmental public body 0 0 0 0 0...
Norman Baker: ...(PF) None in all cases of this question. The only foodstuffs procured by PF are coffee, tea, milk, fruit juice and sugar. Railway Heritage Committee (RHC) RHC has reported a nil return. Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA) RFA have not procured any sea food or similar products at any time. Trinity House (TH) TH has reported a nil return.
Norman Baker: ...numbers are estimates. Estimates for the changes in numbers of staff FTEs in the Department's non-departmental public bodies are as follows: 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Renewable Fuels Agency - Decrease by: 2 Decrease by: 3 - - British Transport Police Authority No current estimate Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee DPTAC has no direct...
Norman Baker: ...projects with a monetary value greater than (a) £10 million, (b) £50 million and (c) £100 million for the financial years 2009-10 or 2010-11. Passenger Focus Nil Railway Heritage Nil Renewable Fuels Agency Nil Trinity House Nil
Greg Knight: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many employees the Renewable Fuels Agency has; and what the cost to his Department of that body was in each of the last three years.
Norman Baker: ...British Transport Police DOR-Directly Operated Railways BRB-British Railways Board (Residuary) Ltd. GLF-General Lighthouse Fund HS2-High Speed 2 PF-Passenger Focus RHC-Railway Heritage Committee RFA-Renewable Fuels Agency
Norman Baker: The Renewable Fuels Agency's (RFA) budget in 2009-10 was £1.43 million and in 2010-11 it was £1.75 million. On 14 October 2010, as part of the cross-Government review of Public Bodies, it was announced that the Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA) would be abolished and its functions transferred to Department for Transport (DfT). To manage this process as smoothly as possible, on 24 February 2011...
Norman Baker: ...been designated. Given the application of the SRO role to 'major government projects' only there have been no such designations in the period from July 2005 (when Passenger Focus was created). The Renewable Fuels Agency adopts a robust approach to project management underpinned by adherence to central guidance on transparency and a financial scheme of delegation. Trinity House adopts...
Earl Attlee: Information on the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO), including data on meeting the obligation and compliance with the standards, can be found on the Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA) website at www.renewablefuelsagency.gov.uk/carbon-and-sustainability/rt fo-reports. Amendments to the Renewable Transport Fuel (RTFO) Order 2007 are being considered to implement both the transport elements...
Norman Baker: I have been asked to reply. The renewable transport fuel obligation (RTFO) requires biofuel suppliers to report to the Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA) both the greenhouse gas emissions consequences of, and the sustainability of, the biofuels they supply. None of the UK biofuel reported under the RTFO in the year 2008-09 came from cellulosic ethanol, algae or woodchip. Information for the year...
Charles Hendry: Figures from the Renewable Fuels Agency and Ofgem for the use of used cooking oil in 2009-10 in renewable energy are as follows: (a) 43 million litres of biofuel for transport was derived from used cooking oil, representing about 3% of the total volume of biofuels supplied. (b) data are not collected which would identify the use of used cooking oil in heat only applications. (c) 960,000...
Norman Baker: ...in each of the non-departmental public bodies sponsored by the Department for Transport in April 2010 and each subsequent month was: Average salary of people on fixed-term contracts Renewable Fuels Agency British Transport Police Authority Directly Operated Railways Ltd Northern Lighthouse Board Passenger Focus Trinity Lighthouse 2010 April 69,500...
Norman Baker: ...,415 17,000 11.200 0 22,187 40,259.58 November 14,415 17,000 15.300 0 25,322 38,804.60 There were no costs incurred by DPTAC and TCs/DTCs. DFT non-departmental public bodies are: RFA: Renewable Fuels Agency BTPA: British Transport Police Authority Cycling England DPTAC: Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee DOR Ltd: Directly Operated Railways Ltd NLBL Northern...
Norman Baker: ...0 BTPA 1 DPTAC 0 DOR Ltd 0 Northern Lighthouse Board 0 Passenger Focus 4 Trinity Lighthouse 12 TCs and DTCs 0 Notes: 1. DFT non-departmental public bodies are: RFA-Renewable Fuels Agency BTPA-British Transport Police Authority Cycling England DPTAC-Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee DOR Ltd-Directly Operated Railways Ltd NLB-Northern...
Norman Baker: ...since May 2010 (£) Northern Lighthouse Board 5,266.21 Trinity Lighthouse 258,564.25 There has been no expenditure incurred on redundancy costs for the British Transport Police Authority, Renewable Fuels Agency, Disabled Persons' Transport Advisory Committee, Directly Operated Railways Ltd, Directly Operated Railways Ltd, Passenger Focus, Traffic Commissioners and Deputies.