All 8 results for "portsmouth college"

Written Answers — Department for Education: Further Education: Portsmouth ( 9 Nov 2022)

Robert Halfon: ...this programme, £200 million was allocated to all FE colleges and designated institutions to undertake immediate condition improvement of their estates. Highbury College, now part of the City of Portsmouth College, received an allocation of £617,678 of capital funding to improve its estate in August 2020. College groups were able to prioritise how and at which sites to use this funding...

Written Ministerial Statements — Department for Education: Further Education Update ( 9 Nov 2021)

Alex Burghart: ...Sixth Form College Leeds City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College (Potteries Educational Trust) Stoke-on-Trent Peter Symonds College Hampshire City of Wolverhampton College Wolverhampton Portsmouth College Portsmouth Dixons Sixth Form Academy (Dixons Academies Trust) Bradford Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College Darlington Durham Sixth Form Centre County Durham Ron Dearing...

Secondary School Opening Hours — [Mrs Anne Main in the Chair] (11 Feb 2019)

Daniel Zeichner: ...perspective, the context of the school in question is key. Another Cambridge head, who I think has experience from a previous posting, said that although starting later has worked well at Portsmouth College, “it is very context dependent as a stand-alone solution”. Clearly, different communities have different requirements and preferences, and any change must take that into account....

College Funding — [Mr Charles Walker in the Chair] (21 Jan 2019)

Stephen Morgan: It is a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship, Mr Bone. Last Friday, I spoke to the principal of Portsmouth College, which I had the privilege of attending. What he told me was seriously concerning, and I am proud to be here to speak up for that college. If we walked into a college in Canada, we would see sixth-formers receiving 26 hours of tuition per week. In Singapore, that figure is...

Opposition Day — [2nd Allotted Day]: Skills and Growth (17 Jun 2015)

Flick Drummond: ...taking on 80 apprentices this year, up from 40 the last year. There are also opportunities in leisure, sport, travel and tourism. I have visited many schemes, including those at the Kings theatre, Portsmouth College and the Cathedral Innovation Centre, to name just a few. I know that an increase in apprenticeships and technical levels will add hugely to engaging our young people in...

Written Answers — Education: Sixth Form Colleges: Capital Investment (11 May 2011)

Nick Gibb: ...Havering Sixth Form College Huddersfield New College Joseph Chamberlain College Leyton Sixth Form College Loreto College Luton Sixth Form College New College Pontefract Notre Dame Sixth Form College Portsmouth College Queen Mary's College Reigate College Sir John Deane's College Solihull Sixth Form College St Brendan's Sixth Form College St Charles Sixth Form College St Dominic's Sixth...

Written Answers — Education: Sixth-form Colleges: Capital Investment (22 Mar 2011)

Nick Gibb: ...Form College Long Road Sixth Form College Loreto College Luton Sixth Form College New College Pontefract Newham Sixth Form College Notre Dame Sixth Form College Palmers College Peter Symonds College Portsmouth College Priestley College Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College Queen Mary's College Reigate Sixth Form College Richard Huish College Sir George Monoux College Sir John Deane's College...

Orders of the Day — Defence (Navy) Estimates, 1969–70, Vote A (10 Mar 1969)

Mr Frank Judd: ...dockyards and the presence of the Navy in Portsmouth, I trust that the Minister will take note of the increasing amount of semi-official and friendly co-operation that exists between the expanding Portsmouth College of Technology, soon to become a polytechnic, and the Navy. I have been encouraged to hear about the various ways in which, particularly in terms of marine and geological...

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