All 8 results for "northamptonshire fire and rescue service"

Written Answers — Department for Communities and Local Government: London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority ( 3 Nov 2017)

Andrew Gwynne: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, when a Minister in his Department last visited (a) Derbyshire, (b) Leicestershire, (c) Lincolnshire, (d) Nottinghamshire and (e) Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service; and who was met on that visit.

Written Answers — Home Office: London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority: Domestic Visits ( 2 Nov 2017)

Andrew Gwynne: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, when a Minister in her Department last visited (a) Derbyshire, (b) Leicestershire, (c) Lincolnshire, (d) Nottinghamshire and (e) Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service; and who was met on that visit.

Northamptonshire: Combined Fire and Police Service ( 5 Sep 2017)

Philip Hollobone: ...that the reason I attended the fire and rescue service is that I have taken part in the fire service parliamentary scheme. I spent one year with the London fire brigade, and the second year with the Northamptonshire fire and rescue service. I also completed two years with the police service parliamentary scheme—with the Northamptonshire police force some years ago; and as a special...

Oral Answers to Questions — Home Department: Fire and Rescue Service (Funding) (11 Apr 2016)

Philip Hollobone: As I am currently on attachment with the Northamptonshire fire and rescue service, as part of the fire service parliamentary scheme, I have had the privilege over the past few months of seeing the increasingly close way Northamptonshire’s police and fire and rescue services are working together to deliver more effective emergency services, at a far lower cost. Will the Home Secretary...

Corby Fire Services (12 Jan 2015)

Penny Mordaunt: ...a clear commitment to ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of front-line fire and rescue services, despite the need to tackle the deficit inherited from the previous Administration. It is clear that Northamptonshire fire and rescue service shares that commitment. Its recently published community protection plan reviews the strong progress that it has made towards delivering its strategic...

Written Answers — Communities and Local Government: Fire Services ( 1 Feb 2010)

Shahid Malik: ... 40 22 Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service 36 18 London Fire and Planning Authority 368 188 Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service 40 22 Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service 36 18 Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service 36 18 Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service 36 18 North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service 36 18 Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service 36...

Written Answers — Communities and Local Government: Departmental Secondment (15 Jan 2008)

Parmjit Dhanda: ...were seconded to the Fire Service college: Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Cleveland Fire and Rescue Service Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service Fife Fire and Rescue Service...

Oral Answers to Questions — Communities and Local Government: Arson (10 Jul 2007)

Philip Hollobone: ...finding time in his diary for a visit to the arson control taskforce based at Kettering fire station, so that he can be fully briefed on the exciting new initiatives to combat arson between the Northamptonshire fire and rescue service and the Northamptonshire police?

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