Results 1–20 of 300 for "north down borough council"

Northern Ireland Assembly: Ministerial Statements: Subregional Economic Plan ( 1 Oct 2024)

Phillip Brett: ...area plan (BMAP) is the issue on which the Minister will judge regional balance. Members will be aware that it includes Belfast City Council, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, Ards and North Down Borough Council and Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council. According to the Minister's figures, labour productivity and the median wage in Ards and North Down are the second lowest, and...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Members' Statements: Newtownards: Second World War Bomb ( 9 Sep 2024)

Michelle McIlveen: ...tremendous upheaval for the residents of Rivenwood, Old Forge, Stratheden and the surrounding areas. Residents were told that they could be out of their homes for five days or longer. Ards and North Down Borough Council opened an emergency support centre in Ards Blair Mayne leisure complex that included support and information from the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, social...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Matter of the Day: Paris Olympics and Paralympics ( 9 Sep 2024)

Harry Harvey: ...disappointments throughout his career, but his determination allowed him to realise his dream this summer. Rhys is now recognised as one of the pommel horse specialists of his generation. Ards and North Down Borough Council organised a fabulous afternoon and evening in Conway Square, where Rhys and fellow medallist Jack McMillan from Bangor arrived in style in a 1965 Ford Mustang...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions — Education: SEN Placements 2024-25 (25 Jun 2024)

Paul Givan: ...remainder for the new school term to ensure that provision can be put in place in line with projected need. Six schools have agreed to establish new specialist provision this year in the Ards and North Down Borough Council area. That will create seven additional classes for up to 60 children with social and communication needs and learning difficulties who otherwise may not have had access...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Members' Statements: Animal Cruelty Register (17 Jun 2024)

Robin Swann: ...across these islands. The establishment of one was called for and supported by councils across Northern Ireland: Belfast City Council; Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council; Ards and North Down Borough Council; Newry, Mourne and Down District Council; Mid Ulster District Council; Fermanagh and Omagh District Council; and Derry City and Strabane District Council. All...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Adjournment: Bangor and Newtownards Minor Injury Units: Closure (30 Apr 2024)

Robin Swann: ...Eastern Health and Social Care Trust. The consolidation of minor injury services on the Ulster Hospital site represents what I have been told is an improved service for the residents of the Ards and North Down Borough Council area. At the Ulster Hospital, patients have immediate access to a service that is open longer hours, with a wider range of diagnostics. More importantly, the minor...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Private Members' Business: Display of Flags, Emblems and Banners (30 Apr 2024)

Jim Allister: ...where the first responsibility lies. I am very cautious about the idea that we should give our councils the power to decide when flags can fly and when they cannot, given the experience of Ards and North Down Borough Council, Belfast City Council and other places. The Members who tabled the motion would be first in the queue to make sure that the Union flag comes down and does not fly,...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Private Members' Business: Loneliness Strategy (29 Apr 2024)

Connie Egan: ...strategy. In my North Down constituency, we have seen some recognition of loneliness in our society and efforts to combat it. For example, we installed "chatty benches" throughout the Ards and North Down Borough Council area, which my party colleagues were happy to support. I visited one such bench in Linear Park in Bangor. It is a relatively small investment and it is a small thing, but...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Oral Answers to Questions — Communities: Queen’s Parade, Bangor: Regeneration (12 Mar 2024)

Gordon Lyons: My officials have been working closely with Ards and North Down Borough Council and the developer, Bangor Marine, to bring forward plans for the development of the site by way of a development agreement. I take this opportunity to pay tribute to officials from the Department for Communities who have worked very hard on this over many years. The Bangor Marine team is working through the...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Assembly Business: Public Petition: Ballycopeland Windmill and Cafe, Millisle (11 Mar 2024)

Stephen Dunne: ...Ballycopeland windmill reopened in June 2022, following an investment of £1·7 million from the Department for Communities, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and Ards and North Down Borough Council, which all worked constructively together to deliver this transformation and revitalisation project of the windmill, as well as the kiln room and the miller's...

Northern Ireland (26 Feb 2024)

Jim Shannon: May I reinforce what my right hon. Friend has just said? In the constituency of North Down, which is next to mine and is covered by Ards and North Down Borough Council, there have been 160 business start-ups in the last year. That is an indication of how good our people are, given the opportunity.

Northern Ireland Assembly: Private Members' Business: Strategic Framework to End Violence against Women and Girls: Implementation (26 Feb 2024)

Connie Egan: ...make my maiden speech, after getting elected in May 2022. I pay tribute to my predecessor, Rachel Woods, who was a dedicated representative for North Down as an MLA and as a councillor on Ards and North Down Borough Council, where I enjoyed working alongside her. I thank everybody who trusted me with their vote and all my friends and family, two of whom are in the Gallery today, who have...

Off-road Biking — [Mrs Pauline Latham in the Chair] (20 Feb 2024)

Jim Shannon: ...that wish to do that, and we should work alongside them, to ensure that their sport can be delivered. That was done in partnership with Ards Borough Council, which is now known as Ards and North Down Borough Council. The council plans for Conlig and Whitespots include setting aside that portion of land for that group, which seeks safety and does not want to annoy people, in a way that is...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Private Members' Business: Planning System: Fundamental Appraisal (12 Feb 2024)

Kellie Armstrong: ...Northern Ireland Aquarium or Exploris is still in place. If that aquarium is built, you may as well wipe out tourism on the Ards peninsula because the four-year closure of the aquarium by Ards and North Down Borough Council had a massive impact, but that was not taken into consideration. As an outcome of today's debate on the motion, Minister, I ask that you look at the major development...

Northern Ireland Assembly: Ministerial Statements: Potholes: Additional Investment (12 Feb 2024)

Stephen Dunne: Last year, in the Ards and North Down Borough Council area in my constituency, 3,800 potholes were reported, while the council received the lowest funding allocation across all councils. That left many roads across Bangor, Holywood, Donaghadee and Millisle in a truly shocking, disgraceful and dangerous condition. Will the Minister commit to reviewing the intervention level for DFI to repair...

Girlguiding UK: British Overseas Territories — [Mr Clive Betts in the Chair] (23 Jan 2024)

Jim Shannon: ...many parents take their children to the Girl Guides in Newtownards and elsewhere. I have attended many events hosted by the Girl Guides; I remember one in particular when I was the mayor of Ards and North Down Borough Council—it was a long time ago, in 1991 or 1992. I knew some of the leaders of the Girl Guides in Newtownards, and they invited me down. We had a wonderful night with the...

Culture, Media and Sport: Protecting Heritage Assets (11 Jan 2024)

Jim Shannon: I thank the Minister for her positive answers; it is good to see her back in her place. We have some incredible heritage in Strangford, which goes back long before Ards and North Down Borough Council was brought together. The council has some ideas for promoting first and second world war heritage at the Somme Museum at Conlig. Have any discussions taken place with Ards and North Down...

Tattoo Artists, Body Piercers and Cosmetic Clinics: Licensing (28 Nov 2023)

Jim Shannon: I commend the hon. Gentleman for bringing this debate forward. My council, Ards and North Down Borough Council, has a policy in relation to piercings specifically. It has initiated a piercing guidelines policy to make both piercers and those who get piercings aware of the guidelines and policies that, in its word, “must” be followed. Does he agree that there could be more discussion of...

Housing in Tourist Destinations — [Sir Charles Walker in the Chair] (28 Nov 2023)

Jim Shannon: ...and Newquay in relation to housing provision. It is always good to be here to give the Northern Ireland perspective, as I do in all the debates I come to. In my Strangford constituency, Ards and North Down Borough Council has a key economic goal, which is that tourism provides jobs and creates wage packets for people. The theme for the council is “work, live and play”, because that is...

Levelling Up (20 Nov 2023)

Jim Shannon: I thank the Minister for his enthusiasm in his answers to questions. Ards and North Down Borough Council has a project about mining in Conlig, which goes back to the early 19th century; it also has the Somme centre, which commemorates and runs a programme about the first world war; and part of another project was to do something on the second world war. The Minister has kindly indicated that...

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