Results 1–20 of 60 for "national museum wales"

1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language: Cultural, Arts and Heritage Sectors ( 1 May 2024)

Gareth Davies: I’m interested to know what the economic impact will be of the Welsh Government’s decision to simultaneously cut funding to national museum Wales, and prioritise their bizarre ambition to decolonise public art. Welsh Government guidance states that public art must be decolonised and should celebrate the achievements of our diverse society or risk being removed. Aside from this issue not...

3. Topical Questions: National Museum Cardiff (17 Apr 2024)

Heledd Fychan: 1. What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of National Museum Wales possibly closing National Museum Cardiff due to deteriorating conditions? TQ1039

3. Questions to the Minister for Economy: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople (31 Jan 2023)

Dawn Bowden: ...-being agenda for their population. I think you have to look at that in a holistic way rather than on a piece-by-piece basis, but certainly we have provided for individual organisations—libraries, National Museum Wales, the National Library of Wales and so on—additional funding to get them through this immediate crisis, and, as I say, with the local authorities and their increased...

7. Debate on the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee Report — 'Increasing costs: Impact on culture and sport' (25 Jan 2023)

Dawn Bowden: .... And to assist with these pressures, Welsh Ministers have agreed collectively to provide £4.175 million during the 2022-23 financial year to the National Library of Wales, Amgueddfa Cymru / National Museum Wales, the arts sector via the Arts Council of Wales, the sports sector via Sport Wales, the independent museums and community libraries in Wales—

5. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip: World Heritage in Northwest Wales ( 4 Oct 2022)

Dawn Bowden: ...; it gives us that flexibility to be able to introduce those kinds of things into the national curriculum. And I'll just give you an example. I was very proud to have been invited to an event at the National Museum Wales at Saint Fagan's recently, where a whole range of schools had been engaged in projects about their local communities, and that was a very good example of how you will...

7. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Social Services: Summer of Fun 2022 (28 Jun 2022)

Julie Morgan: Members will be aware that over the course of the last year, we've funded both a Summer of Fun and a Winter of Well-being to support our children and young people as they recover from the impacts of the pandemic. Working with a range of providers across Wales, we've been able to deliver countless free activities to support the social and emotional well-being of children and young people aged...

7. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip: Culture and Heritage Update: Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic History, Culture and Heritage ( 7 Jun 2022)

Dawn Bowden: ...the people that sit on the governing bodies and so on. So, to deal specifically with your point, we did have a report that came out of a number of inquiries, research that was undertaken both in the National Museum Wales and the Arts Council of Wales, and that led to the report on widening engagement, which was looking particularly at leadership and accountability, cultural democracy,...

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Decarbonising public sector pensions (25 May 2022)

Rebecca Evans: the motion to decarbonise those public sector pension schemes that are funded through investments. So, this covers the local government pension scheme and schemes for the Arts Council of Wales, National Museum Wales and the National Library of Wales, and, of course, our own scheme for Senedd Members. The local government pension scheme is the largest of these, and this provides the...

1. Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services: Social Prescribing (11 May 2022)

Heledd Fychan: ...not just those who feel isolated, as is referred to in the programme for government. But clearly, it's not just health boards that are involved here. Organisations such as the Welsh National Opera, National Museum Wales, Theatr Clwyd and so on, have excellent projects and partnerships in this area. So, can I ask you, as you develop this framework, how central will the bodies outwith the...

5. Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: Period Dignity ( 1 Mar 2022)

Heledd Fychan: ...friends and employers in the future, because that's very often where we can provide the greatest support. In my previous role, I was given training in terms of the menopause. There was a policy in National Museum Wales to raise awareness of the menopause across the board, and we had menopause champions. It's useful for me—I haven't got to that age yet, but I learned so much, and also in...

6. Debate on petition P-05-949 Save Cowbridge Old Girls' School from Demolition (16 Feb 2022)

Heledd Fychan: a list of 20 prominent historic buildings specialists, historians and architects, all of whom support listing the building and sensitively converting it. These include Dr Eurwyn Wiliam, former National Museum Wales historic building expert, former council member of the Historic Buildings Council for Wales and former chairman of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical...

5. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip: Update on progress following the publication of ‘The Slave Trade and the British Empire: An Audit of Commemoration in Wales’ (18 Jan 2022)

Heledd Fychan: ..., this has been evident in the racist responses we have unfortunately seen to some actions already taken in relation to Thomas Picton by Carmarthenshire County Council, Cardiff city council and National Museum Wales. To others that are yet to begin on this journey, I'm sure the fact that work will now begin on developing guidance will be welcome, but I would be grateful, Deputy Minister,...

3. Statement by the First Minister: British-Irish Council Summit Wales (23 Nov 2021)

Mark Drakeford: .... A joint communiqué was issued after the summit was over. I'd like to take this opportunity, Dirprwy Lywydd, to put on record my thanks to David Anderson, director general of Amgueddfa Cymru, National Museum Wales, and the team at St Fagans for being such excellent hosts. Holding the event at the museum provided an opportunity to demonstrate the rich cultural history of Wales in a unique...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople ( 3 Nov 2021)

Heledd Fychan: I'm talking specifically, Minister, about local museums and the review in 2015 that was conducted, rather than the Simon Thurley review of National Museum Wales. There were 10 recommendations in the local museum review that are yet to be implemented, despite the sector writing on numerous occasions and despite pleas by organisations such as the Museums Association and National Museum Wales,...

10. Debate: Priorities for 2022-23 Budget Preparations (13 Jul 2021)

Heledd Fychan: ...workers or as staff members. It's not overstatement to say that, despite the cultural recovery fund, the future of Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru, National Theatre Wales, the National Library of Wales, National Museum Wales, Literature Wales, National Dance Company Wales, the Books Council of Wales, the Wales Millennium Centre, Welsh National Opera, Ffilm Cymru, the National Eisteddfod of...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy: What Next? Cymru ( 9 Jun 2021)

Dawn Bowden: .... We will continue to invest in projects to deliver new and improved cultural organisations, increasing access to our collections and cultural assets from across Wales, including digitising the National Museum Wales collections of contemporary art and the creation of a new football museum and developing Theatr Clwyd. We're also looking to create a memorandum of understanding with the Arts...

5. 90-second Statements (24 Feb 2021)

Dawn Bowden: ...the Cyfarthfa experience under the brand of the Crucible Project. In my view, Richard Trevithick and what he did in Merthyr Tydfil on 21 February 1804 should form an important part of that story. As National Museum Wales states: 'We cannot underestimate the importance of Trevithick's locomotive. In 1800, the fastest a man could travel over land was at a gallop on horseback; a century...

10. Short Debate: The well-being benefits of the arts in a pandemic (18 Nov 2020)

Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas: ...Theatr Arad Coch in engaging with schools using digital resources during lockdown. And the Celf ar y Cyd project has been very impressive for me. It’s a project between the arts council and the National Museum Wales, with Welsh Government support, in order that people see the arts in our hospitals and that that becomes part of the role that the arts can play in health. Another further...

1. Questions to the First Minister: The Heritage Sector ( 3 Nov 2020)

Laura Anne Jones: Thank you, First Minister. The COVID pandemic has obviously hit the heritage sector hard. National Museum Wales and the National Library of Wales are both institutions that have seen a drastic loss of revenue from the lack of visitors, or from no visitors, but this on top of significant reductions in grant-aid funding before the pandemic outbreak. The national museum and the national library...

11. Plaid Cymru Debate: Coverage of the Six Nations (11 Mar 2020)

David Lloyd: ...less-than-dazzling rugby-playing career back in the day on the wing—left wing, obviously. [Laughter.] But, obviously, prior to devolution, the Wales rugby team, the Wales football team, and the National Museum Wales—it was sport and culture that gave us a political identity in the absence of politics in this place. So, prior to devolution, the Wales rugby team was supremely important,...

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