All 4 results for "hertfordshire police and crime commissioner"

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Public Order Bill - Report (2nd Day): Amendment 54 ( 7 Feb 2023)

Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb: I speak as the mother of a journalist, so I have a vested interest here, but journalists do not go along to protests to join them but to watch and report on them. The Hertfordshire police and crime commissioner, David Lloyd, with whom I had the displeasure of sharing a panel the day after this all happened, said that protesters should not have the oxygen of publicity. That was his attitude:...

Public Bill Committee: Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Clause 178 - Requirements to provide information about ownership and control (13 Oct 2022)

..., Centre for Climate Engagement, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge LRB63 Gloucestershire County Council LRB64 Home Builders Federation LRB65 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) LRB66 Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner LRB67 Chartered Institute of Taxation LRB68 Crisis LRB69 Finance and Public Administration Committee, The Scottish Parliament LRB70 Construction...

Fly-tipping and Illegal Dumping — [SIR MARK HENDRICK in the Chair] (24 May 2022)

Stephanie Peacock: ...—which can cause damage to local habitats and local people’s health. To prevent that, the Government might look at encouraging other areas to replicate the successful pilot carried out by the Hertfordshire police and crime commissioner. His annual fund of £20,000 supports private landowners with paying for the removal of fly-tipping, using funds from the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002....

Police Dogs and Horses — [Mr David Crausby in the Chair] (14 Nov 2016)

Brandon Lewis: a positive, constructive way to get to a result, and they understand the mechanisms within which we work. They also appreciate, as do a large number of people in the police force—I met the Hertfordshire police and crime commissioner this morning to discuss this issue, as Finn is a member of that force—that the available sentencing powers, if used correctly, are as severe as we see...

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