Bob Neill: ...Service 10 April 2012 28 September 2012 Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser Grade 7 Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service 16 April 2012 17 September 2012 Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser Grade 7 Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service 11 June 2012 9 September 2012 Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser Grade 7 Surrey Fire and Rescue Service 1 July 2012 30 September 2012 Chief Fire and...
Brandon Lewis: ...Service 16 April 2012 17 September 2012 Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service 16 April 2012 21 September 2012 Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service 1 June 2012 30 September 2012 Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service 1 June 2012 30 September 2012 London Fire and Rescue Service 7 June 2012 6 June 2014 Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service 1 June 2012 9...
Shahid Malik: ...Fire and Rescue Service 36 18 Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service 76 40 Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service 40 22 Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service 72 36 Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service 36 18 Humberside Fire and Rescue Service 40 22 Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service 36 9 Isles of Scilly Fire and Rescue Service 20 - Kent...
Jim Fitzpatrick: The available information covers attendance at primary fires only. The following table shows the average response time to primary fires attended by Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service each year since 1997. This is measured in minutes from time of first call to the fire and rescue service to time of arrival at the scene. Primary fires attended by Hertfordshire FRS: Average response times...
Angela Smith: Industrial relations in the Hertfordshire fire and rescue service are primarily a subject for the attention of Hertfordshire county council, acting in its capacity as the designated fire and rescue authority for the county. It is not the direct responsibility of the Department, but during the current dispute I have been in contact with Hertfordshire's chief fire officer, the county council...
John Prescott: ...and Safety Executive and the Environment Agency were asked to conduct an investigation into the causes of the explosion. This inquiry is being chaired by Lord Newton of Braintree. In addition, the Hertfordshire fire and rescue service are carrying out their own internal investigation. Central Government and the Government Office for the East of England are also reviewing the lessons to be...
Hazel Blears: ...Service Essex county Fire and Rescue Service Gloucester Fire and Rescue Service Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Hampshire County Council-National Youth Agency Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service Homeless Link Housing Corporation Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Improvement and Development Agency (IDEA) Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service Leicester...
Anne Main: ...had rescued one victim and were attempting to rescue another when they were both killed. The report into the incident found that the deaths would almost certainly have been prevented, if Hertfordshire fire and rescue service had ensured that adequate procedures, training and resources were systematically in place. The report also found that adequate procedures, training and emergency...
Liz McInnes: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, what the change in the number of firefighter posts was in Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service in 2013-14.
Oliver Heald: ...brave in the fire and saved lives. His loss was felt in my constituency and by his family, friends and the fire service in Hertfordshire more widely. The incident led to a fire investigation by Hertfordshire fire and rescue service—a very good service with a lot of experience of dealing with hazardous materials. It fought the Buncefield fire as well as that could have been fought. It is...
Mike Penning: ..., my community and the emergency services. I wish to put on record again—I have done it many times, but it will not hurt to do so again—my admiration for chief fire officer Roy Wilsher, for the Hertfordshire fire and rescue service, and for the many county fire services that came to our rescue and helped us. I must declare an interest: I was a fireman for eight years, and I trained on...