All 2 results for "hawarden high school"

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1. Questions to the First Minister: Public Sector Pension Funds (15 Nov 2022)

Jack Sargeant: ...of Labour winning in Wales. We are still bold and we are still ambitious, and we have to be the bold and ambitious party so that our future generations and our younger generations, like those from Hawarden High School in my constituency in the gallery today, can go on to live successful lives in a sustainable world. First Minister, will you meet with me and fellow campaigners to discuss...

Oral Answers to Questions — Welsh Affairs (12 Nov 1975)

Mr Barry Jones: ...about £33 million for the years 1974–77, and the bulk of the expenditure this year is in the secondary sector. There is to be a new secondary school for Mynydd Isa, and major extensions at Hawarden High School, in the county of Clwyd. There is a further instalment of the new Bodedern Secondary School in Gwynedd. There is to be a new secondary school in Bishopston, in West Glamorgan, and...

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