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Written Ministerial Statements — Department of Health and Social Care: Annual Capital Investment for Research Call through the National Institute for Health and Care Research ( 7 Oct 2024)

Baroness Merron: ...and soft tissue healing. This will allow children to participate in studies at their regular clinic, reducing travel and reaching underserved communities. Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust and East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust will expand their capacity for commercial trials in conditions such as dementia with a standalone pharmacy space and a pharmacy dispensary, respectively, to...

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Mother and Baby Units (24 Jul 2024)

Karin Smyth: ...Foundation Trust The Friarage South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust South Tyneside Midwifery-led Birthing Unit South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust Blackburn Birth Centre East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust Rossendale Birth Centre East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust Helme Chase Midwifery Unit University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust ...

Health and Social Care: A&E Waiting Times: East Lancashire (23 Apr 2024)

Helen Whately: Just over a year ago, we set out a plan to improve urgent and emergency care. The plan is working. At East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, 78% of A&E patients in March were seen within four hours. That is 4.5 percentage points better than last year—the biggest year-on-year improvement outside the pandemic since 2010. We know that there is more to do; that is why we are working with the NHS...

Income Tax (Charge) (12 Mar 2024)

Kate Hollern: ...demand means that budgetary spend is up by £2.5 billion, or 12.8%, in 2023-24. If such services cannot be delivered effectively locally, pressure inevitably falls on the NHS. I recently met the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust to discuss the most prescient issues after being contacted by constituents who had waited for hours on trolleys and in rooms without receiving attention. In...

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Health Services: Veterans (18 Jan 2024)

Maria Caulfield: ...contextual awareness to support veterans. The list of trusts with Op RESTORE consultants is below: - St Bartholomew’s Health NHS Trust; - Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; - East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust; - Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust; - Guys & St Thomas' NHS Trust; - Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust; - King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; -...

Health and Social Care: Cancer Waiting Times and Outcomes ( 6 Jun 2023)

Kate Hollern: ...-face, he found that he had late-stage skin cancer. He passed away on 28 April, aged just 27. Between January and March this year, both the two-week wait target and the 62-day target were missed at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust. Does the Secretary of State accept that delays are costing lives?

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Maternity Services: Finance (13 Oct 2021)

Maggie Throup: ... 827,660 248,454 East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust 834,962 482,419 East Cheshire NHS Trust 636,124 258,510 East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 1,147,954 886,774 East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust 853,426 362,131 East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 571,587 188,113 Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust 253,900 86,304 Frimley Health...

Work and Pensions: Jobcentre Estate ( 8 Mar 2021)

Mims Davies: ...months. We have also set up a DWP youth hub in partnership with Burnley Borough Council and Calico, and we are working with local employers to provide local kickstart placements such as with the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust and Stanley Black and Decker.

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Royal Lancaster Infirmary and Royal Preston Hospital (20 Oct 2020)

Lord Greaves: other parts of the Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Trusts; whether they can include proposals for any services currently provided by other NHS Trusts including the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust; and when they expect these proposals and options to be published.

Testing of NHS and Social Care Staff (24 Jun 2020)

Sara Britcliffe: very proud to be Lancashire born and bred. NHS testing has ended the uncertainty about whether essential staff needed to stay at home, and I fully support the Government step to empower that. The East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust has tested more than 7,000 staff, with around 13% showing that they have antibodies to covid. This data is important and provides clear evidence of the...

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust: Nurses (12 Mar 2020)

Antony Higginbotham: To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, how many nurses there are in East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust; and how many of those nurses were recruited in each year since 2010.

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Doctors and Nurses: Lancashire ( 3 Mar 2020)

Helen Whately: .... November 2010 November 2019 Change % Change Doctors 1,479 1,881 402 27 Nurses and health visitors 4,439 5,794 1,356 31 The Lancashire area is defined as those working at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, NHS East Lancashire CCG or NHS West Lancashire CCG. The following...

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Surgery: Waiting Lists (14 Jan 2020)

Edward Argar: ...NHS Trust 9.30 RNS Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust 7.56 RD8 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 10.81 RET The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust - RXR East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust 5.66 RCD Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust 10.00 RWY Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust 6.75 PQ1735 36 table (Excel...

Written Ministerial Statements — Department of Health and Social Care: Ministerial Correction: PQ293466 and PQ293468 (14 Jan 2020)

Edward Argar: ...contained an error and wish to correct the formal record. In my reply, I was incorrectly advised and stated that “The Chair at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the Chair at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust sought the views of NHS England and NHS Improvement on the possibility of merging services and provision between the two Trusts.” The correct position is that...

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Primary Health Care: Lancashire (29 Oct 2019)

Graham Jones: ...of State for Health and Social Care, what assessment has he made of the recent cyber attack on Pitney Bowes and its impact on the primary care provision within the (a) East Lancashire CCG and (b) East Lancashire hospitals NHS trust.

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (24 Oct 2019)

Edward Argar: .... It is my understanding that that exercise failed to find the right person from the point of view of the trust and those responsible for appointments. The chair of the trust and the chair of East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust then sought the views of NHS England and NHS Improvement, as they are entitled to do, regarding their proposal for a joint chief executive working across both...

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Public Appointments (21 Oct 2019)

Gordon Marsden: To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, whether Kevin McGee will receive fill-time salaries for his each of his positions as Chief Executive of Blackpool Trust and East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust ( 8 Oct 2019)

Gordon Marsden: ...Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust between June 2019 and September 2019 on the appropriateness of the Trust (a) discussing the possibility of merging services and provision between the Trust and the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust and (b) the potential for the East Lancashire Trust's Chief Executive, Kevin McGee, to operate as the permanent Chief Executive of both trusts.

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust ( 9 Sep 2019)

Graham Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what discussions his Department has had with East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust on preparations for the UK leaving the EU without a deal.

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital: Accident and Emergency Departments ( 3 Sep 2019)

Chris Skidmore: NHS England publishes monthly performance data for accident and emergency (A&E) waiting times for each trust rather than individual hospital site level. Performance data for the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust can be found at the following link: /ae-waiting-times-and-activity/ East Lancashire Hospitals Trust A&E performance...

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