All 3 results for "caerleon comprehensive school"

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2. Questions to the Minister for Education: The New Curriculum (25 Nov 2020)

Laura Anne Jones: .... Given that almost half an academic year was missed earlier this year, and we are now seeing whole year groups being taken out of school on a large scale—. For example, 1,000 pupils in Caerleon Comprehensive School are currently being taken out of school in whole year groups—7, 8, 9, 12 and 13—arguably unnecessarily, when other councils are using track and trace more effectively,...

1. Questions to the First Minister: COVID-19 in Newport East (24 Nov 2020)

Laura Anne Jones: ...'s question, I'd like to say that I've also been contacted by a number of worried parents in the Newport constituency area, because, currently, as it stands, there are 1,000 pupils isolating from Caerleon Comprehensive School, my old school. Years 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13 are all off at the moment, which is beyond comprehension really. Obviously, year groups have to stay off if there are enough...

2. Business Statement and Announcement (25 Feb 2020)

Mohammad Asghar: Minister, may I ask for a statement from the Minister for Education about the disruption of pupil learning caused by the strike action by teachers at Llanwern High School and Caerleon Comprehensive School in Newport? Teaching unions say that industrial action has been prompted by the overhaul of the curriculum in Wales. The acting general secretary of NASUWT says that the union has not heard...

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