All 4 results for "barton court grammar school"

Did you mean "Barton Court Grammar schools"?

Written Answers — Department for Education: Grammar Schools: Special Educational Needs (11 Nov 2016)

Nick Gibb: ... 4.1 Kent Gravesend Grammar School 1,145 30 2.6 Kent Wilmington Grammar School for Boys 925 41 4.4 Kent Wilmington Grammar School for Girls 865 70 8.1 Kent Barton Court Grammar School 850 45 5.3 Kent Cranbrook School 745 106 14.2 Kent Borden Grammar School 820 86 10.5 Kent Mayfield Grammar School Gravesend 965 ...

Written Answers — Education: Grammar Schools: Free School Meals (19 Nov 2012)

David Laws: ...Manwood's School 627 19 3.0 118909 886 Kent 5437 The Folkestone School for Girls 775 48 6.2 136417 886 Kent 5443 Tonbridge Grammar School 749 4 0.5 137474 886 Kent 5444 Barton Court Grammar School 637 25 3.9 136570 886 Kent 5449 Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School 654 16 2.4 118931 886 Kent 5459 Dover Grammar School for Boys 605 41 6.8 ...

Written Answers — Children, Schools and Families: Grammar Schools: Disadvantaged (28 Apr 2008)

Kevin Brennan: ...49 Chatham Grammar School for Girls 118901 Medway 717 26 3.6 The Folkestone School for Girls 118909 Kent 819 53 6.5 Tonbridge Grammar School 118915 Kent 755 (3)— (3)— Barton Court Grammar School 118916 Kent 663 27 4.1 The Rochester Grammar School for Girls 118917 Medway 756 18 24 Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School 118921 Kent 635 16 25 ...

Written Answers — Children, Schools and Families: Grammar Schools (16 Jul 2007)

Jim Knight: ... Cranbrook School The Skinners' School Oakwood Park Grammar School Sir Roger Manwood's School The Folkestone School for Girls Tonbridge Grammar School for Girls Barton Court Grammar School Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Dover Grammar School for Boys Dane Court Grammar School Chatham House Grammar School for Boys Gravesend Grammar...

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