All 6 results for "alun school"

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Great British Energy Bill ( 5 Sep 2024)

Becky Gittins: .... Next is the historic market town of Mold, a town very close to my heart as it is where I spent many summers performing with my dance school at Theatr Clwyd and where I went to sixth form at the Alun school. The Alun school worked to give its students the best opportunities to succeed—something that I am firmly committed to. Maximising opportunities for young people is a passion that I...

Great British Energy Bill ( 5 Sep 2024)

Becky Gittins: .... Next is the historic market town of Mold, a town very close to my heart as it is where I spent many summers performing with my dance school at Theatr Clwyd and where I went to sixth form at the Alun school. The Alun school worked to give its students the best opportunities to succeed—something that I am firmly committed to. Maximising opportunities for young people is a passion that I...

Great British Energy Bill ( 5 Sep 2024)

Becky Gittins: .... Next is the historic market town of Mold, a town very close to my heart as it is where I spent many summers performing with my dance school at Theatr Clwyd and where I went to sixth form at the Alun school. The Alun school worked to give its students the best opportunities to succeed—something that I am firmly committed to. Maximising opportunities for young people is a passion that I...

9. 9. Short Debate: School of Politics — Empowering the Next Generation of Active Citizens in Wales ( 3 May 2017)

Hannah Blythyn: ...a number of innovative examples of how children and students are given the space to allow them a taste of different aspects of active citizenship. There is an inspiring group of students at Mold’s Alun School who are volunteering as part of the United Nations Foundation’s ‘Girl Up’ campaign—a campaign that engages young women to take action to support girls and young women in the...

7. 6. Debate: International Women's Day ( 7 Mar 2017)

Hannah Blythyn: ...has gone from strength to strength and Val has raised over £50,000 for the poppy appeal during her time as organiser. At an event last weekend, I met a group of inspiring young women from Mold Alun School who were volunteering as part of the United Nations Foundation’s Girl Up campaign—a campaign that engages young women to take action to support girls and young women in the...

Petition — Sentencing Guidelines (Manslaughter) (22 Mar 2011)

Mark Tami: ...of Alyn and Deeside and neighbouring areas, totalling some 3,000 persons. The petition states: The Petition of residents of Alyn and Deeside, Declares that Peter Jones, a 24-year-old former pupil of Alun School, Mold, died in hospital following an attack by Gafyn Thomas Denman, 21, who is from the Mold area; notes that Gafyn Thomas Denman was found guilty of manslaughter and was jailed for...

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