All 12 results for "2gether nhs foundation trust"

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Privatisation of NHS Services — [Sir Graham Brady in the Chair] (23 Apr 2018)

Alex Chalk: ...-based medical charity that is leading the way in diagnostic imaging. It provides funding for research, including into cancer and dementia, which it does as part of a research partnership with the 2gether NHS Foundation Trust. It assists with training for healthcare professionals, and it even provided the UK’s first high-field open MRI scanner, which is designed for claustrophobic and...

Written Answers — Department of Health and Social Care: 2gether NHS Foundation Trust: Parking ( 6 Mar 2018)

Lord Jones of Cheltenham: To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have any plans to intervene in the dispute over parking charges for NHS staff at Weavers Croft Mental Health Unit in Stroud.

Written Answers — Department of Health: Secure Psychiatric Units: Domestic Visits ( 4 Dec 2017)

Jackie Doyle-Price: The names of the 15 mental health facilities my Rt. hon. Friend the Secretary of State has visited since July 2016 are: NHS Trust Hospital / Site 2gether NHS Foundation Trust Wotton Lawn Hospital Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Callington Road Hospital Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Prospect Park Hospital Lincolnshire Partnership NHS...

Written Answers — Health: Nurses: Redundancy (23 Jun 2014)

Daniel Poulter: ...during 2013 it is possible that redundancies from, now defunct, organisations are recorded as being from the newly created organisation.  Organisation 2013 nursing redundancies (headcount) 2gether NHS Foundation Trust — Avon And Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust — Barking Havering And Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust — Barts Health NHS Trust...

Written Answers — Health: Health Services: Herefordshire (14 May 2014)

Daniel Poulter: The information is available neither in the format requested nor specifically for the North Herefordshire area. Wye Valley NHS Trust provides health services across Herefordshire and further afield. 2gether NHS Foundation Trust provides social and mental health care services across Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. Information on how many new members of staff and doctors and nursing staff...

Written Answers — Health: NHS: Finance ( 6 Mar 2013)

Daniel Poulter: ...Hospital NHS Foundation Trust FRIMLEY RDU 259,835 4,536 247,501 3,306 232,572 5,198 Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust GATESHEAD RR7 189,116 6,404 180,891 2,113 182,053 -1 2gether NHS Foundation Trust GLOSPART RTQ 110,679 2,981 87,087 2,091 84,550 1,662 Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust GLOUCESTER RTE 432,563 2,598 422,376 -4,924...

Dementia Services (Gloucestershire) (22 Jan 2013)

Richard Graham: ...that Gloucestershire may be leading the way. First, I pay tribute to the development in Gloucestershire of the community dementia nurse, or CDN, service, which was launched in December 2011 by the 2gether NHS Foundation Trust. The CDN service provides specialist and direct dementia support to GPs, with each surgery in the county being allocated such a nurse. Secondly, we are fortunate to...

Written Answers — Health: Mental Health Services: Hospital Beds (12 Dec 2011)

Paul Burstow: ...Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust 99 — — RH5 Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 168 — — RJ8 Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust 135 — — RTQ 2gether NHS Foundation Trust 226 — — RVJ North Bristol NHS Trust 22 — — RVN Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust 615 — — RWV Devon Partnership...

Written Answers — Health: Mental Health Services: Complaints (27 Apr 2011)

Simon Burns: ...2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 England 95,047 90,801 87,080 89,139 101,077 Of which: All mental health organisations 7,913 8,222 7,260 7,226 9,617 2Gether NHS Foundation Trust RTQ 81 71 89 51 n/a 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust RTV 121 138 133 124 140 Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust...

Written Answers — Health: Health Services: Gloucestershire (25 Feb 2010)

Mike O'Brien: ...and chief executives (or their representatives) of the Gloucestershire national health service organisations: Gloucestershire primary care trust, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust and Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust.

Written Answers — House of Lords: NHS: Foundation Trusts (15 Jul 2009)

Lord Darzi of Denham: 115 National Health Service foundation trusts had been authorised by Monitor as at 31 March 2009. These are listed in Table 1: Table 1 2gether NHS Foundation Trust Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Basingstoke and...

Written Answers — Health: Acute Beds ( 6 May 2008)

Ivan Lewis: ...shown in the following table. Delayed transfers of care from acute beds, England, 2007-08 Org code Org name Delayed transfers of care from acute beds England 2,232 RTQ 2gether NHS Foundation Trust 0 RTV 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Trust 0 REM Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 11 RCF Airedale NHS Trust 7 RTK Ashford and St....

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