All 5 results for column:106 date:20021021 in the 'Written Answers'

Written Answers — Home Department: Firearms (21 Oct 2002)

Bob Ainsworth: The number of recorded crimes involving firearms in the year ending March 2002 is not yet available. The numbers of such crimes in the previous year, which were published in ''Criminal Statistics England and Wales 2000'' in December 2001, were 7,362 recorded crimes in which a firearm other than an air weapon was used, and 10,227 recorded crimes in which an air weapon was used.

Written Answers — Privy Council: European Union Institutions (21 Oct 2002)

Graham Allen: To ask the President of the Council what percentage of hon. Members have used the facility of a visit to an EU institution in each of the years for which figures are available; and what steps he has taken to encourage greater take up of this facility.

Written Answers — Work and Pensions: Structural Unemployment (21 Oct 2002)

Jim Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many parliamentary constituencies have levels of unemployment of 2 per cent. or less.

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