Results 141–160 of 5000 for dan butler

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Energy Bill [Lords]: New Clause 59 - Decarbonised electricity supply by 2030 ( 5 Sep 2023)

...Blake Paul Blomfield Ben Bradshaw Kevin Brennan Deidre Brock Lyn Brown Nick Brown Chris Bryant Karen Buck Richard Burgon Ian Byrne Liam Byrne Ruth Cadbury Amy Callaghan Lisa Cameron Alan Campbell Dan Carden Alistair Carmichael Wendy Chamberlain Sarah Champion Douglas Chapman Feryal Clark Daisy Cooper Yvette Cooper Jeremy Corbyn Stella Creasy John Cryer Judith Cummins Alex Cunningham Ashley...

Energy Bill [Lords]: New Clause 61 - National Warmer Homes and Businesses Action Plan (No. 2) ( 5 Sep 2023)

...Begum Hilary Benn Clive Betts Olivia Blake Paul Blomfield Ben Bradshaw Kevin Brennan Lyn Brown Nick Brown Chris Bryant Karen Buck Richard Burgon Ian Byrne Liam Byrne Ruth Cadbury Alan Campbell Dan Carden Alistair Carmichael Wendy Chamberlain Sarah Champion Feryal Clark Daisy Cooper Yvette Cooper Jeremy Corbyn Stella Creasy John Cryer Judith Cummins Alex Cunningham Ashley Dalton Edward...

Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill: After Clause 187 - Civil recovery: costs of proceedings ( 4 Sep 2023)

...Bottomley Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Karen Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Conor Burns Rob Butler Alun Cairns Gregory Campbell Andy Carter Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Jo Churchill Greg Clark Simon Clarke Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris Clarkson...

Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill: After Clause 46 - Register of members: information to be included and powers to obtain it ( 4 Sep 2023)

...Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Karen Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Conor Burns Rob Butler Alun Cairns Gregory Campbell Andy Carter Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Jo Churchill Greg Clark Simon Clarke Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris...

Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill: After Clause 180 - Failure to prevent fraud ( 4 Sep 2023)

...Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Karen Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Conor Burns Rob Butler Alun Cairns Gregory Campbell Andy Carter Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Jo Churchill Greg Clark Simon Clarke Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris...

Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill: After Clause 180 - Failure to prevent fraud and money laundering ( 4 Sep 2023)

...Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Karen Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Conor Burns Rob Butler Alun Cairns Gregory Campbell Andy Carter Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Jo Churchill Greg Clark Simon Clarke Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris...

Deferred Division: Adjournment (Summer, Conference and Christmas) (12 Jul 2023)

...Brady Suella Braverman Kevin Brennan Jack Brereton Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Nick Brown Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Robert Buckland Alex Burghart Richard Burgon Dawn Butler Rob Butler Ruth Cadbury Alun Cairns Alan Campbell Dan Carden Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Sarah Champion Rehman Chishti Jo Churchill Greg...

Illegal Migration Bill: Clause 4 - Disregard of certain claims, applications etc (11 Jul 2023)

...Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Robert Buckland Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris...

Illegal Migration Bill: After Clause 6 - Restrictions on removal destinations: LGBT persons (11 Jul 2023)

...Bone Peter Bottomley Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris Clarkson Geoffrey...

Illegal Migration Bill: Clause 10 - Powers of detention (11 Jul 2023)

...Blunt Peter Bone Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris Clarkson Geoffrey...

Illegal Migration Bill: Clause 11 - Period for which persons may be detained (11 Jul 2023)

...Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Robert Buckland Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris...

Illegal Migration Bill: Clause 16 - Transfer of children from Secretary of State to local authority and vice versa (11 Jul 2023)

...Peter Bone Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris Clarkson Geoffrey...

Illegal Migration Bill: Clause 21 - Provisions relating to removal and leave (11 Jul 2023)

...Blunt Peter Bone Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris Clarkson Geoffrey...

Illegal Migration Bill: Clause 38 - Serious harm suspensive claims: interpretation (11 Jul 2023)

...Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Robert Buckland Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris...

Illegal Migration Bill: Clause 52 - Interim Remedies (11 Jul 2023)

...Bottomley Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Robert Buckland Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Christopher Chope Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris Clarkson...

Illegal Migration Bill: Clause 55 - Decisions relating to a person’s age (11 Jul 2023)

...Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Robert Buckland Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Christopher Chope Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris Clarkson Geoffrey...

Illegal Migration Bill: After Clause 58 - Duty to establish safe and legal routes (11 Jul 2023)

...Blunt Peter Bone Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris Clarkson Geoffrey...

Illegal Migration Bill: After Clause 60 - Organised immigration crime enforcement (11 Jul 2023)

...Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Robert Buckland Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris...

Illegal Migration Bill: After Clause 60 - Ten-year strategy on refugees and human‘ trafficking (11 Jul 2023)

...Blunt Peter Bone Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Andrew Bridgen Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris Clarkson Geoffrey...

Illegal Migration Bill (11 Jul 2023)

...Bottomley Andrew Bowie Ben Bradley Graham Brady Suella Braverman Jack Brereton Steve Brine Paul Bristow Sara Britcliffe Anthony Browne Fiona Bruce Felicity Buchan Robert Buckland Alex Burghart Rob Butler Alun Cairns Andy Carter James Cartlidge Bill Cash Miriam Cates Maria Caulfield Alex Chalk Rehman Chishti Christopher Chope Jo Churchill Greg Clark Theo Clarke Brendan Clarke-Smith Chris...

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