Results 141–160 of 2010 for pornography

International Men’s Day (17 Nov 2022)

Maria Caulfield: .... My hon. Friend the Member for Penistone and Stocksbridge (Miriam Cates) spoke about a multitude of issues that affect men, including in particular their roles and importance in family life, and pornography and how it affects young men. My hon. Friend the Member for Watford made a moving speech on a range of issues, and I will start by addressing some of the points he made about suicide....

Written Answers — Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: Pornography: Internet (17 Nov 2022)

Baroness Benjamin: ...Government what consideration they have given to amending any aspects of the Guidance from the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to the Age-Verification Regulator for Online Pornography, published in January 2018 and presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 27 of the Digital Economy Act 2017, before commencement of provisions in Part 3 of that Act; and if so,...

Written Answers — Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: Internet: Safety (11 Nov 2022)

Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay: His Majesty’s Government is committed to implementing protections for children from online pornography, including the provisions in Part 5 of the Online Safety Bill, as quickly as possible. The Government’s intention is to have the online safety regime operational as soon as possible after Royal Assent, while ensuring the necessary preparations are completed effectively and service...

Scottish Parliament: Equally Safe Strategy (10 Nov 2022)

Bill Kidd: I thank the new minister for that response. All Scottish National Party Governments have clearly stated that sexual exploitation—including pornography, strip dancing and prostitution—is a form of violence against women and girls. That exploitation can stem from power inequalities, poverty, coercion such as threatening the lives of relatives, abusive relationships that become pimping, and...

Police Service: HMI Report ( 3 Nov 2022)

Rachel Maclean: ...Obviously, the vast majority of police officers are dedicated and professional, but there are some wrong’uns who are serving in our forces. For example, is it right that male officers are viewing pornography at work on suspects’ phones? Is it right that they are engaging in “booty patrol”, where they are stopping attractive young women who they see driving in cars? When will the...

Written Answers — Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: Internet: Children ( 2 Nov 2022)

Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay: ..., services which are likely to be accessed by children will be required to provide safety measures for child users to protect them from inappropriate and harmful content or activity, such as pornography and bullying. If they fail to do so, they will be subject to tough enforcement action by the regulator, Ofcom.

Freedom of Expression (Communications and Digital Committee Report) - Motion to Take Note (27 Oct 2022)

Lord Kamall: ...? How do we get there? We have also addressed the committee’s concern that pornographic services were not captured in the Bill. We have made changes to require all websites which publish or host pornography to put robust checks in place to ensure that users are 18 years old or over. Again, as with many of these things, the question is how we deal with determined teenagers, who are often...

8. Debate on the Children, Young People and Education Committee’s Report — 'Everybody’s affected: Peer on peer sexual harassment among learners' (26 Oct 2022)

Laura Anne Jones: ..., they have reason to believe that other groups of learners are at risk too. The causes of peer-on-peer sexual harassment are complicated. They include deep-rooted societal attitudes, amplified by pornography, social media, and in the recent years, the pandemic. They are embedded cultural matters that stretch far beyond the remit of this committee and the scope of this inquiry. It is a...

Online Pornography: Digital Economy Act 2017 - Question (26 Oct 2022)

Online Pornography: Digital Economy Act 2017 - Question

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse: Final Report (24 Oct 2022)

Miriam Cates: ...sexual abuse online and reported a 77% increase in self-generated images of sexual abuse. I welcome his commitment to the Online Safety Bill, but the truth is that it is the proliferation of online pornography, which is increasingly extreme in nature, that is driving up demand for child sexual exploitation. In fact, the word “teen” is one of the most commonly searched terms on PornHub....

Written Answers — Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: Internet and Pornography: Children (18 Oct 2022)

Barry Sheerman: To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, what steps she is taking to protect children from (a) harmful online content and (b) pornography.

Justice: Intimate Image Abuse (18 Oct 2022)

Maria Miller: not appropriately criminalised and victims are left without effective recourse.” The Government have a strong record on tackling crime against women, including by introducing the new revenge pornography laws. Rather than just talking about it, can we please act now and either include this in the Online Safety Bill or have a standalone Bill, as the Government recently did to tackle...

Sir David Amess Summer Adjournment (21 Jul 2022)

Sara Britcliffe: ...a quick excerpt from David’s eulogy to Ken that describes the cheeky relationship they shared. It is about a joke that David played on Ken. He said: “I had thought that we had the same views on pornography, thinking there should be less of it, but one evening I observed Ken dashing into a lobby to vote. The lobby was fairly empty and when he came through he asked me what he had voted...

Human Rights Act 1998 - Motion to Take Note (14 Jul 2022)

Baroness Whitaker: ...attributed its false interpretation to the Human Rights Act, was obliged by IPSO to make a full apology and retraction. The Human Rights Act has not supported a contention that a right to hardcore pornography exists for prisoners. There are quite a few other examples of these misleading and pernicious myths. Some of these centre on difficulties with understanding the import of Article 8,...

Written Answers — Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: Internet: Children (13 Jul 2022)

Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay: Protecting children online sits at the heart of the new Online Safety Bill. The new regime will ensure that children are protected from harmful or inappropriate content such as grooming, bullying, pornography and the promotion of self-harm and eating disorders. Once the regime is operational, Ofcom’s new responsibilities under the Bill will be fully funded by industry fees. They will...

Online Safety Bill: New Clause 7 - Duties regarding user-generated pornographic content: regulated services (12 Jul 2022)

Damian Collins: ...for such images to be there, that would be a very different matter. I am saying that the Bill sets out very clearly—it did not do so in draft form—that non-consensual sexual images and extreme pornography are within the scope of the regulator’s power. The regulator should be taking action not just on what a company does to take such content down when it is discovered after the event,...

Written Ministerial Statements — Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: Online Safety Update ( 7 Jul 2022)

Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay: and vaccine misinformation and disinformation, but is not intended to capture genuine debate. Children: Primary priority content (children must be prevented from encountering altogether): Pornography Content promoting self-harm (with some content which may be designated as priority content, e.g. content focused on recovery from self-harm) Content promoting eating disorders (with...

Written Ministerial Statements — Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: Online Safety Update ( 7 Jul 2022)

Nadine Dorries: and vaccine misinformation and disinformation, but is not intended to capture genuine debate. Children: Primary priority content (children must be prevented from encountering altogether): Pornography Content promoting self-harm (with some content which may be designated as priority content, e.g. content focused on recovery from self-harm) Content promoting eating disorders (with...

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