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Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (25 Apr 2024)

Alison Johnstone: Thank you, Ms Robison. We will ensure that that is recorded.

Scottish Parliament: Children (Care and Justice) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 (24 Apr 2024)

Annabelle Ewing: Thank you, Ms McAllan. That vote will be recorded.

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (23 Apr 2024)

Alison Johnstone: We move to the vote on motion S6M-12922, in the name of Angela Constance, on the Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill.

Scottish Parliament: Gender-identity Healthcare for Young People (23 Apr 2024)

Jenni Minto: I start by speaking directly to our young people—in particular, our trans and non-binary young people across Scotland. I know that the past few weeks and months have been incredibly difficult, with increased media attention and toxic online commentary. I understand how shocking, upsetting and destabilising the announcements last week, and the public conversation around them, will have been...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (18 Apr 2024)

Alison Johnstone: Thank you, Ms McNair. We will ensure that that is recorded.

Scottish Parliament: Business Motions (17 Apr 2024)

Jenni Minto: I am here.

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Gender Dysphoria (Model of Care for Children) (17 Apr 2024)

Jenni Minto: The Scottish Government is already supporting NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, as provider of the young people’s gender service, and NHS National Services Scotland to consider how best to provide specialist young people’s gender care in Scotland. That is part of the implementation of the “NHS gender identity services: strategic action framework 2022-2024”. Last week, the independent...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Diabetes Improvement Plan (17 Apr 2024)

Jenni Minto: The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that everyone living with diabetes can access clinically appropriate, safe, effective and person-centred healthcare treatment and support. The implementation of the diabetes improvement plan is overseen by the Scottish diabetes group. Delivery is under way on work on improving diabetes education, prevention of foot ulceration, in-patient care...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (17 Apr 2024)

..., Coffey, Willie, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Kidd, Bill, Lochhead, Richard, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor,...

Tobacco and Vapes Bill (16 Apr 2024)

Kirsten Oswald: ...if we do not act now, and highlights the enormous cost to the NHS if we do not take this preventative action when we have the opportunity to do so. Scottish Government Public Health Minister Jenni Minto MSP has welcomed the Bill, pointing out that Scotland has been a world leader on a range of tobacco control measures. While there has been a steady reduction in the proportion of people...

Scottish Parliament: Business Motion (16 Apr 2024)

..., Stephanie, Chapman, Maggie, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton, Mackay, Gillian, Mackay, Rona, Macpherson, Ben,...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (16 Apr 2024)

...Cole-Hamilton, Alex, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton, Mackay, Gillian, Mackay,...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (27 Mar 2024)

...Maguire, Ruth, Marra, Michael, Mason, John, Matheson, Michael, McAllan, Màiri, McArthur, Liam, McKee, Ivan, McKelvie, Christina, McLennan, Paul, McMillan, Stuart, McNair, Marie, McNeill, Pauline, Minto, Jenni, Mochan, Carol, Nicoll, Audrey, O’Kane, Paul, Regan, Ash, Rennie, Willie, Robertson, Angus, Robison, Shona, Roddick, Emma, Ruskell, Mark, Slater, Lorna, Smyth, Colin, Somerville,...

Scottish Parliament: Cosmetic Treatments (26 Mar 2024)

Jenni Minto: The safety of non-surgical cosmetic procedures is a concern and we are actively considering how best to take forward any future legislation in that area. Public consultation has shown overwhelming support for tighter regulation, and we are working towards that with key stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, hair and beauty industry representatives and environmental health officers....

Scottish Parliament: Points of Order (26 Mar 2024)

..., Burgess, Ariane, Callaghan, Stephanie, Chapman, Maggie, Coffey, Willie, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Dunbar, Jackie, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton, Mackay, Gillian, Mackay,...

Scottish Parliament: Smoking and Vaping (26 Mar 2024)

Alison Johnstone: The next item if business is a statement by Jenni Minto on working towards a tobacco-free Scotland by 2034 and tackling youth vaping.

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (26 Mar 2024)

..., Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton,...

Scottish Parliament: GP Surgery Closures (Highlands and Islands) (21 Mar 2024)

Neil Gray: I thank Richard Lochhead for pointing out the situation. I am conscious that Jenni Minto has met him to discuss the issue. In concert with her, I am happy to take away Richard Lochhead’s asks and see whether anything can be done to enable the project to continue. It is an opportunity for us to learn more and to see what can be done in rural communities. I go back to the briefing from Age...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (21 Mar 2024)

...Hamilton, Alex, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Duncan-Glancy, Pam, Ewing, Annabelle, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gilruth, Jenny, Grahame, Christine, Grant, Rhoda, Gray, Neil, Griffin, Mark, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Johnson, Daniel, Kidd, Bill, Leonard, Richard,...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (20 Mar 2024)

..., Alex, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Duncan-Glancy, Pam, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gilruth, Jenny, Grahame, Christine, Grant, Rhoda, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Griffin, Mark, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Johnson, Daniel, Kidd, Bill, Lennon,...

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