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Scottish Parliament: Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 (14 May 2024)

..., Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton,...

Public Bill Committee: Tobacco and Vapes Bill: Clause 1 - Sale of tobacco etc ( 9 May 2024)

Kirsten Oswald: our community. The work on the Bill has been constructive, and it contains a number of measures pushed for by the Scottish Government; of course, part 2 specifically relates to Scotland. Jenni Minto, the Scottish Public Health Minister, has spoken positively about how Scotland has dealt with tobacco control measures, being a world leader. Although we know that there has been a reduction...

Scottish Parliament: World Asthma Day 2024 ( 8 May 2024)

Jenni Minto: I, too, thank Emma Harper for lodging this important motion, and I welcome the opportunity to respond on behalf of the Scottish Government. I also put on record my thanks to those who support people living with asthma in Scotland, including our NHS and third sector organisations such as Asthma and Lung UK. Finally, I thank Emma Harper and Alexander Stewart for their sterling work in the CPG....

Scottish Parliament: Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People (Cass Review) ( 8 May 2024)

Sandesh Gulhane: ...Regan’s intervention, in which she asked for the CMO to appear before Parliament, was important. Why can we not get at least an interim statement and get the CMO to answer questions? Jenni Minto stated that the Government was not waiting for the Cass report, but it is clear that the SNP Government did not pause the use of puberty blockers. As Jackie Baillie reminded us, the...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Specialist Alcohol Services ( 8 May 2024)

Jenni Minto: The Scottish Government values all initiatives and actions that are taken to help to address the public health crisis in relation to alcohol. Specialist services play a key part in helping to address that emergency, and initiatives such as the primary care outreach nurse service help to deliver co-ordinated and person-centred assessment, advice and care for people who have been impacted by...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Ambulance Turnaround Times ( 8 May 2024)

Jenni Minto: The Scottish Ambulance Service continually engages with health boards while optimising services including flow navigation centres and the integrated clinical hub, which provide care for patients at or near home, thereby reducing pressures on accident and emergency departments. The call before you convey protocol is being used, and cohorting areas have been established at challenging sites,...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: National Health Service Consultants (Rural Areas and Islands Visits) ( 8 May 2024)

Jenni Minto: The Government recognises the importance of ensuring equitable access to healthcare for patients in rural and island communities. Individual boards and integration authorities are responsible for planning and delivering services to meet the needs of their communities. That includes understanding the needs of their populations and designing services that can deliver high-quality care. It...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Dental Care (Older People in Care Settings) ( 8 May 2024)

Jenni Minto: Building on the recommendations of the 2018 oral health improvement plan, a bespoke training and mentoring programme was introduced in 2019 to establish a new programme of enhanced domiciliary dental care, supported by regulation changes. Under those arrangements, independent dentists are provided with specific training that allows them to be accredited to provide dental care to people who...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time ( 8 May 2024)

..., Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton, Mackay, Gillian,...

Scottish Parliament: Business Motions ( 8 May 2024)

..., Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton, Mackay, Gillian,...

Scottish Parliament: First Minister ( 7 May 2024)

Alison Johnstone: ...) (SNP) FitzPatrick, Joe (Dundee City West) (SNP) Forbes, Kate (Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch) (SNP) Gibson, Kenneth (Cunninghame North) (SNP) Gilruth, Jenny (Mid Fife and Glenrothes) (SNP) Gougeon, Mairi (Angus North and Mearns) (SNP) Grahame, Christine (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP) ...

Scottish Parliament: Business Motion ( 7 May 2024)

..., Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, Lochhead, Richard, MacDonald, Gordon,...

Scottish Parliament: General Question Time: Dental Payments (Mid Scotland and Fife) ( 2 May 2024)

Jenni Minto: We have long-standing arrangements to publish activity on national health service dental services through Public Health Scotland, and data on the reformed dental payment system will continue to be provided through those arrangements on a quarterly basis. Published data provides information at both a national and regional level, which officials use to inform on-going, regular...

Scottish Parliament: Motion of No Confidence ( 1 May 2024)

..., Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, Lochhead, Richard, MacDonald, Gordon,...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time ( 1 May 2024)

..., Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, Lochhead, Richard, MacDonald, Gordon,...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (30 Apr 2024)

Alison Johnstone: The next question is, that motion S6M-13017, in the name of Jenni Minto, on a legislative consent motion on the Victims and Prisoners Bill, which is UK legislation, be agreed to. Motion agreed to, That the Parliament agrees that the relevant amendments to the Victims and Prisoners Bill tabled by the UK Government on 17 April 2024, relating to an infected blood...

Scottish Parliament: Victims and Prisoners Bill (30 Apr 2024)

Jenni Minto: I thank members from across the chamber for their contributions to this short but important debate. I also thank members of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee for their contributions to the discussion on the issue this morning. I am grateful for all the useful questions and important points that have been raised today, and I welcome the committee’s proposal that it will write to...

Scottish Parliament: Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1 (30 Apr 2024)

Gillian Mackay: ...organisations that have met me continuously throughout the process. It is difficult to quantify what the support from officials and from the current and former public health ministers, Jenni Minto and Maree Todd, has meant. They have helped to guide me through the process, and officials have put their all into the bill and have dealt with all the changes that we have made with...

Scottish Parliament: Business Motion (30 Apr 2024)

..., Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Greer, Ross, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, Lochhead, Richard, MacGregor, Fulton,...

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