Results 41–60 of 610 for jenni minto

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Scottish Parliament: Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill (12 Jun 2024)

Jenni Minto: As I set out in my opening remarks, it has been a privilege to support the bill. It is unacceptable that anyone who is using or providing abortion services should do so with the fear of intimidation, judgment or unwanted influence. In a few moments, I hope that we will be enshrining that principle in law, providing the protection and comfort that Maggie Chapman spoke about. I have...

Scottish Parliament: Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 (12 Jun 2024)

Jenni Minto: I agree with Ms Mackay’s views on the amendments, so I will not repeat what has already been said. The bill provides for the ability to delegate both the review and reporting functions. I therefore welcome and support the clarity that amendment 7 seeks to provide. The Government has always been clear in our commitment to transparency and to ensuring that Parliament is...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (12 Jun 2024)

...Sharon, Dunbar, Jackie, Duncan-Glancy, Pam, Eagle, Tim, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, Findlay, Russell, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gallacher, Meghan, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Golden, Maurice, Gosal, Pam, Grahame, Christine, Grant, Rhoda, Gray, Neil, Greene, Jamie, Greer, Ross, Griffin, Mark, Gulhane, Sandesh, Hamilton, Rachael, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick,...

Scottish Parliament: Topical Question Time: Bowel Cancer Screening (11 Jun 2024)

Jenni Minto: Scotland is the only United Kingdom nation to fully adopt the United Kingdom National Screening Committee’s recommendation to screen all individuals aged between 50 and 74. The UK National Screening Committee has not recommended a specific threshold at which individuals should be referred for colonoscopy, but Scotland has the lowest referral threshold in the UK.

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (11 Jun 2024)

..., Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Duncan-Glancy, Pam, Ewing, Annabelle, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Grahame, Christine, Grant, Rhoda, Gray, Neil, Griffin, Mark, Harper, Emma, Harvie, Patrick, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Johnson, Daniel, Kidd, Bill, Lennon, Monica,...

Scottish Parliament: General Question Time: Hyperbaric Treatment Services (West Coast) ( 6 Jun 2024)

Jenni Minto: The Scottish Government is aware that the contract for national health service hyperbaric medicine services in Oban ceased on 31 March and that the chamber has not been operational for NHS patients since January. Review of the facility is on-going, and Scottish Government officials have been in contact with NHS National Services Scotland as the commissioner of those services and NHS Grampian,...

Scottish Parliament: General Question Time: Over-the-counter Medication (Children and Young People) ( 6 Jun 2024)

Jenni Minto: The Medicines Healthcare and products Regulatory Agency, in combination with retailers, limits the sale of paracetamol to a maximum of two packets of 16 tablets. The aim of those voluntary measures is to balance the need for people to access pain relief medicines against the dangers for vulnerable individuals to purchase, on impulse, excessive quantities of any single analgesic. ...

Scottish Parliament: Bankruptcy and Diligence (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3 ( 6 Jun 2024)

..., Coffey, Willie, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Fergus, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Harper, Emma, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton, Mackay, Rona, Macpherson, Ben,...

Scottish Parliament: Business Motions ( 5 Jun 2024)

..., Coffey, Willie, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Gray, Neil, Harper, Emma, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton, Mackay, Rona, Macpherson, Ben, Maguire, Ruth,...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time ( 5 Jun 2024)

..., Coffey, Willie, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Gray, Neil, Harper, Emma, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton, Mackay, Rona, Macpherson, Ben, Maguire, Ruth,...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time ( 4 Jun 2024)

..., Coffey, Willie, Constance, Angela, Dey, Graeme, Don, Natalie, Doris, Bob, Dornan, James, Dunbar, Jackie, Ewing, Annabelle, Fairlie, Jim, FitzPatrick, Joe, Forbes, Kate, Gibson, Kenneth, Gilruth, Jenny, Gougeon, Mairi, Grahame, Christine, Gray, Neil, Harper, Emma, Haughey, Clare, Hepburn, Jamie, Hyslop, Fiona, Kidd, Bill, MacDonald, Gordon, MacGregor, Fulton, Mackay, Rona, Macpherson,...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (30 May 2024)

Alison Johnstone: ...) (SNP) Fraser, Murdo (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Con) Gallacher, Meghan (Central Scotland) (Con) Gibson, Kenneth (Cunninghame North) (SNP) Gilruth, Jenny (Mid Fife and Glenrothes) (SNP) Golden, Maurice (North East Scotland) (Con) Gosal, Pam (West Scotland) (Con) Gougeon, Mairi (Angus North and Mearns) (SNP) ...

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