Results 161–180 of 1400 for speaker:Helen Mary Jones

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition (in respect of his law officer responsibilities): The United Kingdom Internal Market Bill (20 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: 1. What discussions has the Counsel General had with other law officers regarding the legal implications of the UK internal market Bill? OQ55726

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition (in respect of his law officer responsibilities): The Brexit Negotiations (20 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: 7. What assessment has the Counsel General made of the effect on Welsh law of a 'no deal' outcome of the Brexit negotiations? OQ55727

7. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Impact of local coronavirus restrictions on employers (14 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm not able to respond to that intervention since we're not allowed to have interventions, but I don't care where Ministers are, I care what they do. I stress again the need for the Government to reconsider the economic resilience fund. We can't support this amendment, because if you support this amendment, you're assuming that they are the fount of all wisdom and they've got it all right....

7. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Impact of local coronavirus restrictions on employers (14 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. I am grateful to the Conservatives for, once again, tabling an opportunity for us to discuss the economy. There are two things, I think, that are worrying our constituents across Wales at the moment. One of them is their health and the other is future prosperity and jobs, and I think it's really valuable for us to have these discussions. Of course, we don't disagree...

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Endometriosis (14 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Diolch yn fawr, acting Deputy Presiding Officer. Can I just say how grateful I am to Jenny Randerson, as many others have already said, for tabling this important motion—[Interruption.] Rathbone—I've gone into some kind of time warp. I'm very sorry, I've got my Jennys muddled up. I do apologise. But I'm really grateful to Jenny for tabling this and to everybody who has supported it. This...

1. Questions to the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs: Diesel Spillage at Llangennech (14 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Thank you, Minister. I'm very glad to hear that very positive news, but you will be aware that people are concerned that deposits of diesel further up the estuary may work their way down towards the cockle beds. Can you give us assurance today that you will continue to monitor what is happening with regard to the ongoing pollution risk there to ensure that this small but very important local...

1. Questions to the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs: Diesel Spillage at Llangennech (14 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: 9. What assessment has the Minister made of the impact of the train derailment and diesel spillage at Llangennech on the local cockle picking industry? OQ55701

5. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport: Tackling Pavement Parking (13 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm grateful to the Minister for his statement today and very pleased to be able to say that we can maintain the cross-party support to which he refers. I'd echo what he says about the work of the taskforce: they've done an excellent piece of work and it seems to me that this pragmatic approach is a very sensible one. I'd echo too what the Deputy Minister has said about the seriousness of the...

10. Plaid Cymru Debate: The challenges facing the Arts, Culture and Heritage sectors ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Diolch, Llywydd, and can I thank everybody who has contributed to this debate? I think the number of people who've contributed—and indeed the number of amendments that were tabled—show us how important the parties across this Senedd take our responsibilities towards the arts sector. I should be clear at this point that I am speaking for my party here, not as Chair of the culture...

3. Topical Questions: Stadco ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Can I thank Russell George for putting this very important question to the Minister today? I'm grateful to the Minister for all that he's said with regard to what has been done so far. Can I just ask him to be absolutely clear that he and his officials will take the most flexible approach possible to any potential business support to enable these jobs to be retained? A hundred and twenty-nine...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition (in respect of his European Transition responsibilities): The Manufacturing Industry in Mid and West Wales ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm grateful to the Counsel General for his answer. We had representatives of the steel industry in front of the economy committee, and they were highlighting the dangers of a 'no deal' Brexit as potentially very serious for their future. This, obviously, has a big effect potentially on the Trostre steel plant in Llanelli. What further representations can the Welsh Government make to the UK...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport and North Wales: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. I hope the Minister isn't getting fed up with me by now.

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport and North Wales: Additional Support for Businesses ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm grateful to the Minister for his answer. I'm sure he understands that in many communities across Wales, and Llanelli is one of them, many businesses, especially smaller businesses, have already suffered pretty seriously through the COVID crisis, particularly in fields like hospitality. They're working on very small margins. They won't have resources to enable them to invest in recovery....

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport and North Wales: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Thank you for that, Minister. I'd like, in my third question, to take you to a very different industry, and that is the hair and beauty industry. We, again, had representatives of that industry before us—before the committee—today, and they were emphasising the importance of those businesses as destinations on the high street. You know, you can't get your hair cut remotely; you might be...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport and North Wales: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm very grateful to the Minister for his answer, and I'm sure that we all, across the Chamber, will be glad to hear that those discussions and negotiations are ongoing. We had a representative of UK Steel, the umbrella body, before our committee today, and he acknowledged the point that the Minister makes—that there will need to be UK-wide intervention, and that intervention is beyond the...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport and North Wales: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Diolch, Llywydd. I know that the Minister agrees with me that the steel industry is absolutely vital to the future of Welsh industry, and I'm sure that he would also agree with me that, in terms of decarbonising the industry—. Sorry, is the Minister having trouble hearing me?

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport and North Wales: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Of course. I know, Minister, that you'll agree with me how important the steel industry is to not only Wales's current economic activity, but to our future. And I'm sure that you would also agree with me that, in order to decarbonise our use of steel in Wales and in the UK, we should be decarbonising our own production, rather than allowing our production to disappear and then purchasing...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy and Transport and North Wales: Additional Support for Businesses ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: 3. What discussions has the Minister had regarding additional support for businesses in areas of new COVID-19 restrictions, such as Llanelli? OQ55636

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition (in respect of his European Transition responsibilities): The Manufacturing Industry in Mid and West Wales ( 7 Oct 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: 8. What discussions has the Counsel General had regarding the impact of a no-deal Brexit on the manufacturing industry in Mid and West Wales? OQ55637

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