Results 21–40 of 1400 for speaker:Helen Mary Jones

1. Questions to the First Minister: The Rail Derailment at Llangennech ( 2 Mar 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm grateful to the First Minister for his reply, and I know that he will want to join me in congratulating the public services on the way that they've co-operated around the clean-up, which, so far, has been very successful, given the scale of the problem, as the First Minister rightly identifies. The First Minister will be aware that two groups of businesses were particularly badly...

1. Questions to the First Minister: The Rail Derailment at Llangennech ( 2 Mar 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: 3. Will the First Minister make a statement on the environmental impact of the rail derailment at Llangennech last year? OQ56369

8. Plaid Cymru Debate: Free school meals eligibility (24 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm grateful to everybody who has taken part in this important debate. Time does not allow me to respond to all of every Member's contributions, but there are some points that I feel that I do need to make, particularly in response to Mick Antoniw and to the Minister. Of course, we'd all commend the voluntary work that Mick Antoniw describes, but does he really think these families and their...

7. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport: The Foundational Economy (23 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: I'd like to thank the Deputy Minister for his statement. It's encouraging to hear the progress that is being made, and while the Deputy Minister is absolutely right to say we can learn things from other countries and other institutions, as the Welsh Government is clearly seeking to do, personally I don't think there's anything wrong with a little bit of 'making things up as you go along' when...

4. Statement by the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales: Economic Resilience and Reconstruction Mission (23 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: I'd like to give a broad welcome to the economic resilience and reconstruction mission that the Minister has published today, and be grateful to him for his statement and for the advanced copy as always. The direction of travel echoes very much what Plaid Cymru has been saying, and the Minister is right to say that I'm sure there's broad support for the general direction across much of this...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (23 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm sorry, Llywydd, I think my microphone was in the incorrect position.

1. Questions to the First Minister: Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (23 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: Clearly the incorrect position. I do apologise. [Laughter.]

1. Questions to the First Minister: The Vaccination Roll-Out in Mid and West Wales (23 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: I thank the First Minister for his answer and I know that we are all very impressed by the amazing work that's gone into delivering the vaccination programme. But the First Minister will be aware that the families and friends of people with learning disabilities living in residential settings continue to be very concerned about the fact that those people they care about so much have not yet...

1. Questions to the First Minister: The Vaccination Roll-Out in Mid and West Wales (23 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: 6. Will the First Minister make a statement on the vaccination roll-out in Mid and West Wales? OQ56315

6. 90-second Statements (10 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: You are true lightbringers, each and every one of you. The sun will rise again over the hills.

6. 90-second Statements (10 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: Thank you. Deputy Presiding Officer, we all know, I think, that Twitter isn't always the happiest of places. But, last week, my timeline was literally illuminated by hundreds of beautiful lanterns. The lanterns were made by children across Carmarthenshire as part of the Lightbringers Project, the brainchild of Jayne Marciano. The project was inspired by a wonderful children's book, The...

4. Questions to the Senedd Commission: The Youth Parliament (10 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm very grateful to the Llywydd for her answer, and I'm sure that she will agree with me that, when we look back into the early history of our Senedd, the establishment of the Youth Parliament will be one of the achievements of this Senedd term. Can she confirm that the staff are in conversation with the partner organisations that have been supporting the Youth Parliament and some of the...

4. Questions to the Senedd Commission: The Youth Parliament (10 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: 2. What arrangements is the Commission putting in place to support the Youth Parliament in the next Senedd? OQ56284

QNR: Questions to the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd (10 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: What assessment has the Minister made of the impact that the Welsh Government's budget has had on the promotion of children's rights?

5. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government: Working in Partnership for a Fair Work Wales ( 9 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: I would like to thank the Deputy Minister very much for her statement and to confirm that we in Plaid Cymru share the ambitions of the Welsh Government around this very important agenda, and add to the thanks that she has already given to all of those who are working together and collaborating on this important work. I just have a couple of specific points that I wish to raise with the Deputy...

7. Plaid Cymru Debate: Funding for the National Library ( 3 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: A last sentence or two, and I appreciate your indulgence. As everybody has said, this debate demonstrates the vital importance of the national library to our national life, and of all our national institutions. The investment is welcome, but the staff should not have been put through this. I urge this Senedd to support the Conservative amendment and our original motion, and not the Government...

7. Plaid Cymru Debate: Funding for the National Library ( 3 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: Thank you very much, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'd like to thank everybody who has participated in what has, on the whole, been an excellent debate. I will not repeat, in the short time left to me in this debate, the comments of my colleagues, with which I clearly concur. I just want to respond to some of the points that Members from other political parties have made. I have to begin with Mick Antoniw....

4. 90-second Statements ( 3 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: Diolch, Llywydd. I'd like to congratulate Pontyberem's Jonny Clayton on winning his first individual televised darts title. The 46-year-old Welshman fought back from 5-3 down to beat Mervyn King 11-8 in the Masters final in Milton Keynes last week. He's considering quitting work as a Carmarthenshire County Council plasterer to concentrate on his darts. Jonny Clayton has previously recently...

4. 90-second Statements ( 3 Feb 2021)

Helen Mary Jones: As one, Wales gazed on that one dart, / so true its flight / to the double in sight, / when thrown for those who hold your heart.

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