Results 181–200 of 1400 for speaker:Helen Mary Jones

6. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21 (iv): Universal Basic Income (UBI) (30 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm pleased to support the motion and grateful to Jack Sargeant for tabling it and giving us the opportunity to support and for his powerful opening speech. And of course, as Jack said, Mark Isherwood's contribution to the debate has just demonstrated that there will always be people who will look to find new and innovative ideas impossible and undeliverable. I would submit we have to be more...

1. Questions to the Minister for Education: Welsh-medium Education (30 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm grateful to you, Minister, for the answer. I know that you will want to join me in congratulating Powys County Council, who have recently put out to tender again to build the 150-place Ysgol Gymraeg y Trallwng in Welshpool. As someone who grew up in Montgomeryshire and was educated there, albeit a very long time ago, I very much welcome this investment. I'd like to ask you about the next...

1. Questions to the Minister for Education: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople (30 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Thank you, Minister. So, what you're telling the Chamber today is that you will be treating students, potentially, differently from other groups of people. If that's the case, I'm very glad indeed to hear it. I fully support your point about trying to develop a UK-wide response to this, because, obviously, we have a lot of cross-border flow. I would put it to you, however, that if the UK...

1. Questions to the Minister for Education: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople (30 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Yesterday, Minister, the First Minister said in response to a question from Adam Price regarding students returning home for Christmas that he wouldn't treat students differently from anyone else. Now, I'm very glad to hear what you've just said to Suzy Davies—that you won't treat them less favourably—but I would suggest to the Government that this is a very...

1. Questions to the Minister for Education: Welsh-medium Education (30 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: 6. What recent assessment has been made of the demand for Welsh-medium education in Mid and West Wales? OQ55607

8. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government: Town Centres: Securing their future (29 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I thank the Deputy Minister very much for her statement. As she says, our towns are very important to us, and I'm sure that she'd agree with me that the crisis has highlighted just how important local communities are, but that we will also be perhaps using our towns and our town centres in different ways, partly as a result of the crisis. The Deputy Minister mentions in her statement...

7. Statement by the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales: The Economic Resilience Fund — Phase 3 (29 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm grateful to the Minister for his statement today and for the positive engagement that he and Russell George have already referred to, across parties, during this crisis. And I'm very grateful that, in some of the announcements that the Minister has made today, he clearly has actively engaged with those discussions and has taken that on board, and particularly referencing here that I know...

2. Business Statement and Announcement (29 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Trefnydd, I'd like to ask for a statement from the Chief Whip in her role as Minister with responsibility for equalities, to update the Senedd about the position of the asylum seekers arriving in Penally. I understand that there were further disturbances, albeit, thank goodness, of a minor nature, yesterday. The Government will be aware of a very strongly worded letter that was written by the...

12. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Higher Education (23 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd, and can I thank the Conservatives for tabling this important debate today? There is much in the motion that we can support, but, as Suzy Davies has rightly highlighted, we are approaching the issues from a slightly different perspective. So, given the constraints of time, Dirprwy Lywydd, I'll confine my remarks to advocating for our amendments. Our first...

6. 90-second Statements (23 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. This week is Adult Learners' Week. The campaign, led by Learning and Work Cymru, aims to inspire and encourage thousands of adults every year to continue in and return to education and skills development, and to raise awareness of the value of adult learning by celebrating the achievements of learners and providing inspiration to see how adult learning can change their...

4. Questions to the Senedd Commission: The Senedd Elections (23 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: We got the gist.

4. Questions to the Senedd Commission: The Senedd Elections (23 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Thank you very much, Llywydd. I’m particularly pleased to hear about the work that’s been done with young people. I want to ask what further work the Commission can do to ensure that people who don’t have English or Welsh as their first language understand that they have a right to vote. There will be many people who don’t have official citizenship, but who are Welsh citizens, in our...

4. Questions to the Senedd Commission: The Senedd Elections (23 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: 3. What discussions has the Commission had on how to inform the electorate of the Senedd elections in May 2021 despite coronavirus restrictions? OQ55564

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition (in respect of his 'law officer' responsibilities): Women Affected by State Pension Changes (22 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm grateful to the Counsel General for his reply. He will know that I have been working very closely with campaigners across my region, particularly in Llanelli and Pembrokeshire, on this issue. The result was obviously disappointing, but it didn't come as a complete surprise. I wonder if the Counsel General will agree with me that it now seems likely that the solution to this will come from...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Temporary Accommodation for Refugees (22 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Can I begin by thanking the First Minister, in his response to Angela Burns, for reiterating the point that Wales is a nation of sanctuary and we want to make people welcome and we want to make sure that they receive the support that they need? I was, Llywydd, shocked by what the First Minister has said about the Home Office's response, and it is quite unusual for me to be shocked by the way...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition (in respect of his 'law officer' responsibilities): Women Affected by State Pension Changes (22 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: 1. What discussions has the Counsel General had with law officers following the loss of the appeal against the High Court ruling by women born in the 1950s affected by the state pension age being changed from 60 to 66? OQ55546

8. Debate on the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee Report: 'Benefits in Wales: options for better delivery' (16 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: I want to begin by commending this report to the Senedd and congratulating the committee. I would argue that this is an example of our Senedd, our Parliament, at its best: detailed evidence collected, carefully considered, and strong, well thought through, detailed recommendations. As a Parliament and as a nation, we should be grateful to the committee for its work. Unfortunately, the...

5. 90-second Statements (16 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: It was my privilege last week to visit, with my colleague Adam Price, a wonderful Llanelli-based organisation, CYCA—formerly the Carmarthenshire Youth and Children's Association, now Connecting Youth, Children and Adults. I have known of and supported CYCA's work for almost 20 years, and it was really inspiring to see how they've gone from strength to strength supporting children, young...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Support for Autistic People (15 Sep 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: First Minister, you mentioned in your response to Mark Isherwood the code of practice around face coverings for autistic people, and you'll be very aware, I know, that as well as autistic people finding it sometimes difficult to wear a face mask, they can also find it difficult to communicate with somebody who is wearing a face mask, and the same would be true, for example, of deaf people who...

1. Statement by the First Minister: Coronavirus (COVID-19) (26 Aug 2020)

Helen Mary Jones: Does the First Minister acknowledge that the further education sector faces a great deal of unacceptable uncertainty as students return for the new term? For example, it is unclear as to how they will be resourced for the additional cost to be able to educate students, particularly vocational students, safely in a socially distanced way, and the potential £10 million extra pay bill that...

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