Results 81–100 of 474 for speaker:Siobhian Brown

Scottish Parliament: Domestic Abuse of LGBTQ+ People ( 9 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: I express my thanks to Collette Stevenson for lodging the motion for today’s debate on domestic abuse in LGBTQI+ relationships. I also give my thanks to Emma Roddick for all the work that she has done, and that I know she will champion from the back benches, for the LGBTQI+ community. I am proud to be closing the debate, and have found all members’ contributions to be powerful and...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (Promotion) (24 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: Presiding Officer, £390,000 was invested in the hate hurts national hate crime marketing campaign, which ran from 11 March to 31 March 2024. It included a broadcast and print campaign. The campaign aimed to raise public awareness of hate crime by showing the impact that it has on those affected, for example a disabled person or those affected by hate crime due to their race or...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (Promotion) (24 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: First, the hate monster campaign had nothing to do with the Scottish Government; it was a Police Scotland decision. In relation to hate crime, we know that lots of incidents have been reported over the past three weeks. However, figures that were released yesterday show that 654 hate crime incidents have been recorded by Police Scotland, of which 51 per cent were on race.

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (Promotion) (24 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: I have noted the misinformation on and misrepresentation of the act, and that many commentators have ignored the people in our communities whom the act seeks to protect. Following the statement in the Parliament last week, the Scottish Government published a new fact sheet, which, alongside existing information on the act, provides further clarity and factual information on what it does and,...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (Complaints Handling) (24 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: As I have said before, my sympathies are with the former clients who have been affected by the collapse of McClure Solicitors. The Scottish Government has discussed with the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission and the Law Society of Scotland whether a group proceedings complaint would be feasible, and their view is that it is important that individual complaints continue to be...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (Complaints Handling) (24 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: The Regulation of Legal Services (Scotland) Bill introduces the authorisation of legal businesses, bringing benefits such as greater consistency in regulating legal firms and enabling the Law Society as a regulator to identify and address deficiencies early. I will lodge amendments at stage 2 that are intended to deliver further improvements to the legal complaints system, and my officials...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (Complaints Handling) (24 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: I thank Mr McMillan for that question. I know that he has been doing a lot of work on the matter over previous months. As I said to Mr Marra, I am considering options for more amendments ahead of stage 2 and reflecting on the views of stakeholders and MSPs with the intention of building consensus around reform. I will lodge amendments at stage 2 to deliver further improvements to the legal...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Damages for Personal Injury (24 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: The Scottish Law Commission has not yet published a report following its damages for personal injury consultation. It is expected in the summer and I look forward to receiving it. When I have had time to consider any findings and recommendations, I will respond and ensure that the Parliament is aware of my response.

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Damages for Personal Injury (24 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: The law of limitation serves an important function to ensure that legal claims are advanced quickly. Where a claim is made outwith the relevant time limit, the court can exercise its discretion to override it and allow a claim to proceed. I will be interested to hear what the SLC has to say on this important issue. As I mentioned, I expect its report to be published this summer. I...

Scottish Parliament: Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1 (23 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: Does Pam Gosal accept that the European Court of Human Rights explicitly ruled in 2013 that a fair trial can be delivered without a jury?

Scottish Parliament: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (17 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: It is important to highlight that, for the past year, I have regularly met justice partners, including Police Scotland, and we were not going to implement the 2021 act until Police Scotland was ready with the implementation of its computer system and with training. The date was, therefore, on Police Scotland’s terms.

Scottish Parliament: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (17 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 will help us to target hate crime in Scotland and support those who are most affected by those crimes. First, I will respond to some of the points that have just been made about the 2021 act. Over the past two weeks since its implementation, the Scottish Government has responded to numerous media statements in order to combat...

Scottish Parliament: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (17 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: I will come to Russell Findlay in a moment. The 2021 act introduced new offences for threatening or abusive behaviour and for the communication of threatening or abusive material that is intended to stir up hatred against a group of people who possess or appear to possess particular characteristics. However, the Conservatives would have us take away such offences, which are...

Scottish Parliament: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (17 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: I apologise to Mr Findlay, but I am going through my speech. I am not actually sure what he just asked me for. [Interruption.] The independent review—[Interruption.]

Scottish Parliament: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (17 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: —of hate crime by Lord Bracadale in 2018 that led to the act clearly stated the need for legislation in that it would help to recognise the impact of and harm caused by hate crime in saying that “Stirring up of hatred may lead to violence or public disorder.” The Conservatives want us to ignore that harm. The act does not prevent people from expressing...

Scottish Parliament: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (17 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: First, non-crime incidents are not related to this act in any way. As we know, the recording of non-crime hate incidents is an approach across the whole of the United Kingdom. I am aware of the Miller recommendation that has been implemented in England and Wales. Police Scotland has indicated that it is currently reviewing it for implementation in Scotland. Since 2014-15, an...

Scottish Parliament: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 (17 Apr 2024)

Siobhian Brown: —and, if it was repealed, as the Conservative motion calls for, it would put back in its place legislation that would, once again, make blasphemy a common-law offence. That is an offence that has not been prosecuted in Scotland for more than 175 years—once again, that is the Conservatives taking us backwards. We are committed to providing people with the protection that they...

Scottish Parliament: Support for Victims and Witnesses (Domestic Abuse Cases) (20 Mar 2024)

Siobhian Brown: We are investing record levels of funding to support victims through a range of front-line specialist services. Our victim centred approach fund will provide £48 million to 23 organisations between 2022 and 2025, including £18.5 million for specialist advocacy support for survivors of gender-based violence. Of the annual £19 million in the delivering equally safe fund, £7,719,700 is...

Scottish Parliament: Support for Victims and Witnesses (Domestic Abuse Cases) (20 Mar 2024)

Siobhian Brown: The cabinet secretary is currently taking through Parliament the Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill, which will put victims and witnesses at the heart of the justice system, and will include their need for a trauma-informed approach. The victims task force has commissioned work to explore models of a victim-centred approach to justice, with the goal of providing a single...

Scottish Parliament: Support for Victims and Witnesses (Domestic Abuse Cases) (20 Mar 2024)

Siobhian Brown: I am aware of Pam Gosal’s proposed bill. I am happy to work with you. We have not seen the final stages of the proposal, but I am happy to have a meeting with you. I note what you said about what is happening in England and Wales. At the moment, Scotland is leading with a £500,000 pilot of its fund to leave. The pilot is being supported across local authorities to help women to flee...

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