Results 61–80 of 474 for speaker:Siobhian Brown

Scottish Parliament: Topical Question Time: Football-related Disorder (Glasgow) (21 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: The Scottish Government condemns the incidents of violence, vandalism and antisocial behaviour that took place in Glasgow on Saturday. Any threat to public safety and any damage that was caused as a result of that disorder is not acceptable. We fully support Police Scotland and other emergency services, and thank them for their response. We also support Glasgow City Council, which...

Scottish Parliament: Topical Question Time: Football-related Disorder (Glasgow) (21 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: I agree 100 per cent with the member. It is absolutely unacceptable that businesses had to close, that public property was damaged, that people were not able to go about their business and, indeed, that people were injured. There is no reason why a celebration should degenerate into disorder, cause damage to property and result in loss of custom and business, as well as, of course, the cost...

Scottish Parliament: Topical Question Time: Football-related Disorder (Glasgow) (21 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: We will continue to work with football authorities, Police Scotland and fan groups to address the issues and ensure that football matches are an enjoyable experience for everyone during the game and afterwards. We have never ruled out strict liability as an option for incidents at football within stadiums. However, our preferred solution has always been that the football...

Scottish Parliament: Topical Question Time: Football-related Disorder (Glasgow) (21 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: First, I have been told that it was Manchester City that won down south. Yes, I can confirm that we will endeavour to work with all authorities to ensure that such events are showcased.

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (15 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: On a point of order, Presiding Officer. I am sorry, but my app was not working. I would have voted no.

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (15 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: Apologies, Presiding Officer. I would have voted no, but my app was not working.

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Antisocial Behaviour (15 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: Police Scotland and local authorities have a wide range of powers to tackle antisocial behaviour. We support them in using those powers appropriately and we are investing in prevention and early intervention. Our cashback for communities programme and violence prevention framework take preventative approaches to antisocial behaviour and violence. The current three-year phase of cashback for...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Antisocial Behaviour (15 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: I thank the member for raising the issue. He will be aware that the vast majority of young people who travel by bus behave appropriately. The legislation that underpins the current schemes does not provide a clear mechanism for cards simply to be removed in cases of antisocial behaviour, and free bus travel is just one of several services that are provided through the card. ...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Antisocial Behaviour (15 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: I make Mr Hoy aware that there has been on-going engagement with Police Scotland and bus companies in recent months involving both the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and me. As I said, Transport Scotland is looking at what to do with the card but not, at the moment, at such a clear mechanism as just taking the card away. We will continue to engage.

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Legal Aid (Stakeholder Engagement) (15 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: “The Vision for Justice in Scotland: Three Year Delivery Plan” contains an action to reform the legal aid system and to engage with key stakeholders to inform and shape future legislative proposals. Any future proposals will build on the Martyn Evans review recommendations and subsequent public consultation. Officials will engage in a series of stakeholder engagement sessions. ...

Scottish Parliament: Portfolio Question Time: Legal Aid (Stakeholder Engagement) (15 May 2024)

Siobhian Brown: The legal aid system is a national one and it is flexible enough to allow services to be delivered by solicitors around the country to people all around the country. There are numerous ways in which access to solicitors can be facilitated remotely, and funding is available to allow solicitors to travel to rural and remote parts of the country to carry out work, meaning that individuals do not...

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