Results 441–460 of 474 for speaker:Siobhian Brown

Scottish Parliament: Covid-19 (23 Nov 2021)

Siobhian Brown: I thank the First Minister for the update this afternoon. Given that the general public are still being encouraged to do two lateral flow tests a week, and in light of this afternoon’s announcement by the First Minister encouraging us to test before we go out, when someone tests positive for Covid and self-isolates for 10 days, and therefore has a certain immunity, when should they resume...

Scottish Parliament: Covid-19 Update (16 Nov 2021)

Siobhian Brown: All medical advice has indicated that the transmission rate, including the number of people who are unfortunately in hospital, is higher among people who have yet to receive the vaccine. As we head into the winter months, will the First Minister elaborate on some of the concerns that clinical advisers have about the pressures that the NHS will face if the trend continues as it is?

Scottish Parliament: Committee Announcement (COVID-19 Recovery Committee) (16 Nov 2021)

Siobhian Brown: I wish to inform the chamber that the COVID-19 Recovery Committee will be initiating a debate on Covid-19—preparing for winter and priorities for recovery. The debate will be held on Thursday 2 December. We are keen that as many committees as possible take part. We feel that the timing is right to hold the debate. The committee has been following the Scottish Government’s response to...

Scottish Parliament: Fireworks (Public Advice) ( 4 Nov 2021)

Siobhian Brown: A few weeks ago, there was a tragic explosion in my constituency in Kincaidston in Ayr, and a family of four remain in hospital. Within days of the explosion, some members of the public let off fireworks, which caused the community a lot of fear and concern. What discussions has the Scottish Government had with Police Scotland in relation to enforcing the new firework regulations?

Scottish Parliament: Early Learning and Childcare ( 3 Nov 2021)

Siobhian Brown: It seems like yesterday that my 17-year-old and 14-year-old were at nursery, and, although there was an element of free childcare at the time, with no family support locally for childcare, I remember the monthly childcare bills being eye watering until my children both started school. Scotland has moved on, and our early years childcare provision is the envy of many of my friends and family...

Scottish Parliament: Covid-19 ( 2 Nov 2021)

Siobhian Brown: There have been reports of menstrual disorders among a small number of people who have been vaccinated. I am concerned that that may act as a deterrent on the uptake of vaccines or, when the time comes, booster jabs. Although the benefits of being vaccinated far outweigh the risks, what assurance can the cabinet secretary give that the MHRA is continuing to monitor such reports to guarantee...

Scottish Parliament: Covid Status App (27 Oct 2021)

Siobhian Brown: Are those with a vaccine certificate from outside Scotland being allowed into venues and events?

Scottish Parliament: Collective Rent Bargaining ( 7 Oct 2021)

Siobhian Brown: What does the minister think the Scottish Government can learn from our neighbours across Europe in its approach to fair and socially just housing?

Scottish Parliament: National Digital Academy ( 7 Oct 2021)

Siobhian Brown: 5. To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the national digital academy. (S6O-00255)

Scottish Parliament: National Digital Academy ( 7 Oct 2021)

Siobhian Brown: I welcome that response. I believe that implementation of the digital academy will give a lot of people comfort—especially those of our children who have missed a lot of school during the pandemic and did not get the exam results that they needed for the courses that they wished to get into. What other steps are being taking to support senior-phase learners across Scotland?

Scottish Parliament: Scotland in the World ( 6 Oct 2021)

Siobhian Brown: Scotland is a country with huge ambition, and rightly so. Since devolution in 1999, the Scottish economy has grown, which has allowed Scotland to drive forward policies that are important and beneficial to the people of Scotland. In the past 20 years, Scotland has stood on the world stage and set many precedents in human and ecological wellbeing. Scotland has joined an international movement...

Scottish Parliament: Decision Time (30 Sep 2021)

Siobhian Brown: On a point of order, Presiding Officer. My app did not work, but I would have voted yes.

Scottish Parliament: Homelessness Services (Funding) (29 Sep 2021)

Siobhian Brown: What support is in place for homeless people with mental health issues who might be unable to live in communal spaces?

Scottish Parliament: Lorry Driver and Fuel Shortages (Discussions with United Kingdom Government) (28 Sep 2021)

Siobhian Brown: 1. To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with the UK Government regarding lorry driver shortages and related fuel shortages. (S6T-00183)

Scottish Parliament: Lorry Driver and Fuel Shortages (Discussions with United Kingdom Government) (28 Sep 2021)

Siobhian Brown: Given the recent comments by the chief executive of NFU Scotland, Scott Walker, who pointed out that “The whole Scottish food and drink supply chain has been highlighting the crisis and the solutions needed for many weeks now”, does the cabinet secretary agree that the sidelining of Scotland through the temporary visa scheme is yet more proof of the utter disdain with which Scotland’s...

Scottish Parliament: Lorry Driver and Fuel Shortages (Discussions with United Kingdom Government) (28 Sep 2021)

Siobhian Brown: The Conservative Government has faced repeated warnings that the immigration system would damage important sectors in Scotland, including by leaving our vital social care sector critically short of staff. Although migration powers are still reserved to Westminster, will the cabinet secretary outline what urgent action needs to be taken to fix the migration system so that it works for all...

Scottish Parliament: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Day (23 Sep 2021)

Siobhian Brown: I thank everyone who supported my motion to recognise international fetal alcohol spectrum disorders awareness day on 9 September, allowing for it to be debated. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, commonly known as FASD, deserve national attention and awareness. In my motion, I pay recognition to the work that is done by Oshay’s, an organisation in my constituency of Ayr...

Scottish Parliament: Air Passenger Numbers (16 Sep 2021)

Siobhian Brown: Will the minister set out some of the detail on the work that is being done on route recovery in the air travel sector in Scotland?

Scottish Parliament: Covid-19 (14 Sep 2021)

Siobhian Brown: Last week, I met the chair and directors of Ayr United Football Club, who listed their concerns about vaccine certificates. Will the First Minister provide an update on what training and support will be in place for businesses, events and sporting stadiums that need to implement vaccination certification next month?

Scottish Parliament: Social Security (Support) ( 9 Sep 2021)

Siobhian Brown: 3. To ask the Scottish Government how much it plans to invest in social security support over the next five years. (S6O-00109)

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