Results 2021–2033 of 2033 for speaker:Jess Phillips

Oral Answers to Questions — Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Syrian Refugees (14 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: What discussions he has had with his counterparts in EU member states and others on (a) resettlement of Syrian refuges and (b) the UN’s response to the Syrian refugee situation.

Oral Answers to Questions — Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Syrian Refugees (14 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: More than 100 Syrian civilians have been killed since May as a result of the use of indiscriminate weapons such as barrel bombs. In the light of the recent meetings in New York, what role are the Government playing in the United Nations Security Council to ensure that the UK’s strong statement of support for the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 2139, in response to the...

Written Answers — Department for Transport: Stechford Station ( 8 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what effect reductions in funding for rail infrastructure will have on the Access for All work at Stechford Station.

Opposition Day — [5th Allotted Day]: Tax Credits (Working Families) ( 7 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: I would like the hon. Gentleman to recognise that quite a lot of Opposition Members lived on tax credits and it is insulting to say that we have no ambition. I am sure he will recognise that we do.

Oral Answers to Questions — Home Department: Modern Slavery ( 6 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: Considering the thousands of victims of trafficking who have gone through the NRM, will the Home Secretary tell the House how many human trafficking-related convictions there were in the last 12 months? How does that figure fit with the Prime Minister’s assertion that we are tackling those who commit these crimes?

Opposition Day — [4th Allotted Day]: Equal Pay and the Gender Pay Gap ( 1 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: You are only a woman!

Opposition Day — [4th Allotted Day]: Equal Pay and the Gender Pay Gap ( 1 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: In a feminist debate, I am going to say, Ms Deputy Speaker, that I congratulate all those who have made their maiden speeches, and I remind Members that when we say “maiden”, what we mean is someone who is inexperienced. So that is another example of sexist language that gets used. I wonder whether Ms Deputy Speaker has read Caitlin Moran’s book, “How to be a Woman”. In it, she...

Opposition Day — [4th Allotted Day]: Equal Pay and the Gender Pay Gap ( 1 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: To the best of my knowledge, the answer is no. I believe that the council is selling the family silver, including the National Exhibition Centre, to settle those claims. I will not criticise it for that. The council should have paid the women more in the first place. The hon. Gentleman is right about overtime. The reason my husband earned so much more than me was that his overtime was paid,...

Opposition Day — [4th Allotted Day]: Equal Pay and the Gender Pay Gap ( 1 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: I cannot afford to. Should the motion not be passed, I shall know, like so many before me, that I should not have bothered to speak up, because, after all, “I’m just a girl.”

Opposition Day — [4th Allotted Day]: Equal Pay and the Gender Pay Gap ( 1 Jul 2015)

Jess Phillips: Does the hon. and learned Gentleman recognise that positive discrimination has existed in this country since the beginning of time immemorial—for white men?

Oral Answers to Questions — Prime Minister: Engagements (17 Jun 2015)

Jess Phillips: According to the Women’s Aid annual survey last year, on one single day there were 132 women aged 18 to 20 living in refuge after being attacked, assaulted and in some cases raped. Will the Chancellor guarantee for me and those women that those living in supported accommodation like refuge will not be included in his Government’s plans to remove housing benefit from those aged 18 to 21,...

Oral Answers to Questions — Education: Topical Questions (15 Jun 2015)

Jess Phillips: I have worked with lots of children who have suffered domestic violence, rape, grooming and exploitation, and I have seen the damage it does to their lives. When will the Government respond to the Education Committee’s fifth report from the last Session and the recommendation that the Department for Education should “develop a workplan for introducing age-appropriate…SRE— sex and...

Debate on the Address: Home Affairs and Justice (28 May 2015)

Jess Phillips: Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker, for giving me the opportunity to make my maiden speech. This is the first time I have been called a maiden, and it seems a little unusual as my children watch me from the Strangers Gallery. I assure everybody here that it is good that they are behind the glass—I can see them talking up there! I am exceptionally proud to be one of the new women MPs elected to...

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