Results 2001–2004 of 2004 for speaker:Mr Reginald Eyre

National Plan ( 3 Nov 1965)

Mr Reginald Eyre: Would not the hon. Gentleman agree that the difference between the Labour Party and Conservative Party Manifestoes at the last General Election was that the Labour Party promised greater expenditure on education, housing, and so on, and as a result of that the rest of the world, knowing that the economy could not bear the pressure of devaluation which would follow, caused the movement away of...

Control of Office and Industrial Development ( 3 Nov 1965)

Mr Reginald Eyre: The hon. Member for Reading (Mr. Peter Emery) described the area affected by the Order as being very widely drawn. The definition of development affected by the Order is also very widely drawn. It includes not only new office premises, but alteration of buildings and conversion of premises into offices and, perhaps even more surprising, a mere change of use, whereby an existing building,...

Control of Office and Industrial Development ( 3 Nov 1965)

Mr Reginald Eyre: The hon. Member assumes that the change of user would be from housing, but that is by no means necessarily so. It is within the discretion of the planning authority, but in many cases in Birmingham and elsewhere there is a change of user when we have unused warehouse premises or shop premises becoming recognisably more valuable if used as offices, and accordingly a change of user takes place....

Orders of the Day — Housing ( 1 Jul 1965)

Mr Reginald Eyre: I have the honour to represent the constituency of Hall Green in the City of Birmingham. In this capacity I succeed Mr. Aubrey Jones who, as hon. Members know, has taken up an office of great national importance as Chairman of the National Board for Prices and Incomes. I hope that the House will extend to me its customary indulgence if, in my maiden speech, I seek to speak in praise of home...

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