Results 10921–10930 of 10930 for speaker:Mr Herbert Williams

Oral Answers to Questions — Naval and Military Pensions and Grants.: Broadmoor Asylum (Contracts). ( 5 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: 18. asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that the tender forms issued by the Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum specify that the cheese is to be American or Canadian and the bacon to be Danish, and that the tendering firms must be on the King's Roll; and whether in future he will arrange, so far as may be possible, that the produce specified should be British, so that the producers, as...

Oral Answers to Questions — Education.: Size of Classes. ( 5 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: 58. asked the President' of the Board of Education the approximate increase in the cost of elementary education in England and Wales which would be caused by a reduction of one pupil in the average size of classes?

Oral Answers to Questions — Housing.: Output of Bricks. ( 5 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: 83. asked the Minister of Health whether he has any evidence that the excessive rainfall of the last 18 months has restricted the output of bricks and increased the cost of production, by making the excavation of clay more difficult and delaying the drying of the bricks prior to burning?

Oral Answers to Questions — Unemployment.: Benefit Disallowed (New Regulations). ( 4 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: May I ask who passed that Act?

Oral Answers to Questions — Unemployment.: Contributions and Benefits. ( 4 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: On point of Order, Mr. Speaker. Is it in order for hon. Members opposite to threaten us with personal violence from time to time?

Oral Answers to Questions — Unemployment.: Cost of Living (Index Number). ( 4 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: 51. asked the Minister of Labour whether, having regard to the relative stability of the cost of living for the past three years, he will now arrange for an inquiry into family budgets with a view to establishing a new basis for the future calculation of the cost-of living index number I

Oral Answers to Questions — Ex-Service Men.: Unemployment. ( 4 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: 60. asked the Minister of Labour whether the records at the Employment Exchanges are now kept in such a manner as to indicate the number of insured ex-service men who are unemployed; and, if so, whether he can state how many ex-service men were registered as unemployed on 23rd February?

Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce.: Denmark (British Trade). ( 3 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: 2. asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that our imports from Denmark last year were greater than those from any other European country except. France, whereas our exports to Denmark were less than a third of our imports from that country; and whether he has received any reports as to the reason why we fail to find a better market in a...

Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce.: Irish Free State. ( 3 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: 3. asked the President of the Board of Trade if any estimate has been made of the trade which passed in 1913 between what is now the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and what is now the Irish Free State; and, if so, if he can state the estimated figures for 1913 and the actual figures for 1924?

Oral Answers to Questions — Transport.: Railways (Payments Under Agreements). ( 3 Mar 1925)

Mr Herbert Williams: Has the right hon. Gentleman any knowledge of the value of the services rendered to the State by the railway companies during that period?

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