Results 8601–8609 of 8609 for speaker:Colonel Josiah Wedgwood

Re-Election of Ministers Bill. (17 Feb 1919)

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood: What about members of the Government?

Oral Answers to Questions — Oporto (Insurrection). (13 Feb 1919)

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood: 7. asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been called to the claim made by the insurrectionary royalists of Portugal that a British cruiser has arrived at Oporto to prevent the Portuguese fleet bombarding the rebel town; whether any British cruiser has been sent to Oporto; and, if so, why this was done in view of the misunderstanding to which it might well...

Oral Answers to Questions — Crown Prince of Sweden's Visit. (13 Feb 1919)

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood: 8. asked whether His Majesty's Government were consulted as to the visit of the Crown Prince of Sweden to this country; and, if so, on what grounds it was sanctioned?

Oral Answers to Questions — Crown Prince of Sweden's Visit. (13 Feb 1919)

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood: In view of the fact that the Royal Family of Sweden and the whole of the aristocracy there have been bitterly anti-English during the War—

Oral Answers to Questions — Lighting Regulations (Bicycles). (13 Feb 1919)

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood: In view of existing difficulties, would it not be possible to relax the restrictions with regard to bicycle lights?

Oral Answers to Questions — Aliens.: Repatriation. (13 Feb 1919)

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood: Does that apply to the British wives of aliens?

Oral Answers to Questions — Fighting in Russia. (13 Feb 1919)

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood: 62. asked the Prime Minister whether Kief has been retaken from the Bolsheviks; whether Petlouva's or Skoropadsky's government now controls the town; and whether any British or Allied troops assisted at the capture of the town?

Oral Answers to Questions — Fighting in Russia. (13 Feb 1919)

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood: 63. asked the Prime Minister whether any British troops are at present in the Ukraine; if so, whether they are supporting the pro-German Hetman Skoropadsky Government or the peasant party of Petlouva, which rose against Skoropadsky; and whether the French Consul, M. Ainnot, who supported Skoropadsky, is still directing Allied affairs in that country?

Debate on the Address. (11 Feb 1919)

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood: The Noble Lord is usually an apostle of the doctrine of liberty in this House, but to-day he exasperates me and all of us by bringing forward a defence of the loaves and fishes of the Church of England. Surely there was no occasion more important in the history of this country for sound advice such as he could give to new Members on the principles of liberty and political economy, and it is...

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