Results 161–174 of 174 for speaker:Mr Samuel Rosbotham

Orders of the Day — Rabbits Bill. ( 7 Mar 1930)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I venture to disagree with him, because they are very prolific. There is no close season in breeding; they breed all the year round, and you have to deal with them in a drastic, way. I have pleasure in supporting this Bill, which I trust is a preliminary to greater things for agriculture, and I hope that some day we shall be able to take part in something far more important, but this is a...

Oral Answers to Questions — Fighting Services (Wheat and Meat Supplies). (26 Feb 1930)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Is not a certain percentage of British wheat being used?

Orders of the Day — CONSOLIDATED FUND (No. 2) BILL. ( 3 Feb 1930)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I should like to answer the hon. Member for Perth (Mr. Skelton), who introduced the question of land, and accused the Members of the Treasury Bench of knowing no more about land than did the Table on the Floor of the House, and caring no more for it. That reminds me of a speech which the right hon. Member for Bewdley (Mr. S. Baldwin) made on the eve of the Election in my Division, when he...

Unemployment Insurance. (29 Jan 1930)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: The Motion before the House is one which asks us to approve of the principle of the extension of unemployment insurance to agricultural workers, and I rise to support that principle. I wish to express my thanks to the Minister of Labour for her kind promise to give consideration to the proposal. On this question I speak as a farmer, and I believe it will be in the interests of farmers...

Oral Answers to Questions — House of Commons (Refreshment Department). (23 Jan 1930)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 91. asked the hon. Member for Gorton, as Chairman of the Kitchen Committee, if the potatoes used in the House of Commons are home-grown?

Orders of the Day — Supply.: Beet Sugar Subsidy, Great Britain. (23 Jan 1930)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: This Debate is far more opportune than some which have taken place during the present week, especially as the object is to do something in the better interests of the cultivation of the soil and of the agricultural industry. I support the Estimate because sugar beet affords an additional rotation, and that, at the present time, is very important in connection with agriculture. Sugar beet...

Business of the House. (20 Dec 1929)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: There are Members on this side of the House as keenly interested in agriculture as hon. Members opposite, and to show that there is no urgent importance attaching to this Bill I may mention that there is a live stock club in the parish in which I was born, and that its minutes date back to 1829. It is an amazing fact that hon. Members opposite should show such an interest in agriculture this...

Oral Answers to Questions — Government Departments.: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. (18 Dec 1929)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 45. asked the Prime Minister whether in view of the increase in the work of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and considering the importance of the fishing industry, he will set up a separate department for the latter with a Minister of Fisheries?

Orders of the Day — SMALL LANDHOLDERS (SCOT- LAND) ACTS (1886 to 1919) AMENDMENT BILL. (13 Dec 1929)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: If he applied to the Land Court, would he not be in danger of getting notice to quit?

Oral Answers to Questions — Prisons (Adult Education). (12 Dec 1929)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 27. asked the Home Secretary whether, considering the whole of the adult education in prisons is carried on by voluntary agency, he will consider having this work taken over by his Department, especially in view of the fact that the work is redemptive and tends to empty our prisons, and consequently reduces the cost of upkeep?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Potato Industry. ( 9 Dec 1929)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 67. asked the Minister of Agriculture if he will take immediate action to endeavour to remove the embargo on immune varieties of potatoes entering into the Dominions and the United States of America?

Tolls Bill. ( 8 Nov 1929)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I support the Bill on principle. With the improvements which are being made along the roads, the time is far past for these out of date methods. I can speak as one who has had a great deal to do with county administration in Lancashire. We have many of these bridges, and they are a great hindrance, not only to traffic but to commerce. I am glad that reference has been made to the poor farmer,...

Oral Answers to Questions — Education.: School Leaving Age. (25 Jul 1929)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: May I ask the Minister if he has found from experience that agricultural workers are as keenly interested in education as any other workers?

LAND DRAINAGE BILL [Lords]. (24 Jul 1929)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I am very pleased that the Minister of Agriculture has made an apology that this is not a Drainage Bill, and has explained that it really makes remedies only in respect of rating and de-rating and the provision of assessment for Income Tax. I hope that the Minister of Agriculture will see his way in the autumn to introduce a Drainage Bill which will absorb over 300 odd drainage boards into...

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