Results 41–60 of 174 for speaker:Mr Samuel Rosbotham

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Potato Industry. ( 4 Jun 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 25. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether, in view of the anxiety felt by the potato industry regarding the import situation, he is in a position to make any further announcement as to the regulation of supplies of foreign new potatoes to the United Kingdom market this year?

Orders of the Day — Unemployment Bill: New Clause. — (Provision for cultivators of small holdings.) (23 Apr 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I beg to move, "That the Clause be read a Second time." The object of this Clause is to give encouragement to unemployed persons to undertake the cultivation of small holdings. The Lancashire County Council passed a resolution to admit 100 land settlers, and up to date about SO unemployed men have been set up in these settlements. We have had no difficulty up to the present time in finding...

Orders of the Day — Unemployment Bill: New Clause. — (Provision for cultivators of small holdings.) (23 Apr 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: After the explanation of the Parliamentary Secretary I beg to ask leave to withdraw the Clause. A strong feeling has been shown in all quarters of the Committee in regard to this matter and I hope that with a view to alleviating unemployment he will bring in an ad hoc Bill and also put into operation Part II of the Land Acquisition Act.

Orders of the Day — Agricultural Marketing Acts, 1931 and 1933. (19 Dec 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I feel I must say something after the speech we have just heard. I do not agree that there has not been sufficient propaganda on behalf of the Farmers' Union. At Ormskirk last week there was a mass meeting of potato growers numbering 1,000 which unanimously passed a resolution in favour of the scheme, and large meetings of a similar character have been held throughout the potato-growing areas...

Orders of the Day — Agricultural Marketing Acts, 1931 and 1933. (19 Dec 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: May I assure the hon. Member that we buy small potatoes from Scotland for seed?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture (Eggs and Poultry) Reorganisation Commissions. (28 Jul 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 28. asked the Minister of Agriculture, whether he can now make any further statement as to the appointment of a reorganisation commission for eggs and poultry.

Agricultural Marketing Act, 1931. (28 Jun 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I congratulate the Minister on bringing forward these Orders, and also thank the hon. Member for Don Valley (Mr. T. Williams) for the kind way in which he has received the proposals presented by the Minister. We rejoice that in agriculture there is a remedy for unemployment and an opportunity of getting men back to the land. As the representative of an agricultural division, I thank the...

Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce.: Suez Canal Company. (20 Jun 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 40. asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department if he will state the ratio of purchases of British materials bought during the last 10 years for use by the Suez Canal Company as compared with the ratio paid by British shipping of the total canal dues; whether a report for 1932 on this matter has been furnished by the official Government directors; and, if so, will he place a copy of...

Orders of the Day — Finance Bill: New Clause. — (Charge of tax on mutual profits and repeal of 8 and 9 Geo. V., c. 40. S 39 (4).) (31 May 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: On be-half of the smallholdings, and allotments committee of the important county of Lancashire, I put in a plea to the Financial Secretary that allotment associations should be exempted from any tax whatever. We are not discussing the question of profits from allotments. We are discussing the question of profits from trading societies which deal with allotments. These trading societies do a...

Orders of the Day — Agricultural Marketing Bill: Clause 1. — (Regulation of importation of agricultural products.) (29 May 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I do not want to intervene for more than a minute or two, but I must deny the allegation put forward that it is the desire of the farmer to create a scarcity. That is entirely erroneous, We have been inclined to get away from the practical question of what it is that the Bill is intended to do. Its object is to give to the producer, the cultivator of the soil, a price for his produce which...

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Allotments. (27 Apr 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 35. asked the Minister of Agriculture what additional financial assistance will be made in support of further extending the allotment movement next year?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Smallholdings. (25 Apr 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 18. asked the Minister of Agriculture if he will state the six county councils that have established the largest numbers of smallholdings and the respective figures; the names of those county councils which have set up less than 12 holdings and the respective numbers; and what action the Ministry propose to facilitate the policy of land settlement?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Manufacture of Farina (Experiments). (23 Mar 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 55. asked the Minister of Agriculture if the experiments in the manufacture of farina in this country are continued; and, if so, will he state what progress is being made?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Crown Lands, East Riding. (23 Mar 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Can the Minister tell us how much per acre this land is let at?

Oral Answers to Questions — Transport.: Red Lion Bridge, Maghull. (22 Mar 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 17. asked the Minister of Transport if his attention has been called to the dangerous condition affecting the traffic at the Red Lion Bridge, Maghull; and if he will take the necessary steps at once to enable the local authority to complete the by-pass road so as to avoid traffic crossing the bridge?

Orders of the Day — Agricultural Marketing Bill. (13 Mar 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I rise with pleasure to give my wholehearted support to the Bill which has been so ably introduced by the Minister of Agriculture. I was very much interested in the speech of the right hon. Gentleman the Member for North Cornwall (Sir F. Acland). He admitted failure in his efforts to organise the farming community, and he admitted that the farmers and tenantry, and he himself, were on the...

Orders of the Day — Home and Empire Settlement Bill. (24 Feb 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I rise for the purpose of supporting this very useful Measure, and to speak of my experiences more in respect to home settlement. First, I would like to offer my congratulations to the hon. Lady for the very eloquent way in which she introduced her Bill. As a farmer, I have been very proud this morning to hear what has been said on behalf of the agricultural industry. The hon. Lady the Member...

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Flax-Growing (Experiment, Norfolk). (23 Feb 1933)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 56. asked the Minister of Agriculture what progress is being made in connection with experiments in home-grown flax; and if he is in a position to give any information as to the (possibilities of flax-growing in Great Britain on a paying basis?

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