Results 21–40 of 174 for speaker:Mr Samuel Rosbotham

Orders of the Day — Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Bill. ( 8 Mar 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I, also, feel that I should be failing in my duty as a tenant farmer if I did not say a word or two this morning in support of the present Bill. Some doubt has been expressed as to whether the farmer or stock-feeder is actually receiving the benefits under the Bill, but I can assure anyone that any doubts on the point can be dismissed, because the farmer and stock-feeder is really receiving...

Orders of the Day — Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Bill. ( 8 Mar 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: That is the argument that is set forth, but the good-quality beef is cheaper. The main question underlying what we are discussing this morning is: Do we want a British agriculture? I say that, we do want it, that we cannot do without it, and that it is worth the cost. In Lancashire some of the towns would be in a very poor way if it were not for British agriculture. My own town of Ormskirk...

Orders of the Day — Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Bill. ( 8 Mar 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Yes, but those who have purchased their farms are in a far worse position than the rack-rented tenant farmer.

Orders of the Day — Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Bill. ( 8 Mar 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I daresay that amount is only bringing in about two or three per cent. to the owners. I know that some of my constituents who have bought their farms are in a worse position than tenant farmers; it is far better to be a tenant farmer with a good landlord, who will do your repairs for you, than to have to pay for your own repairs, for draining, for Schedule A, and also for Schedule B....

Orders of the Day — Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Bill. ( 8 Mar 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I do not think that is quite fair, because I changed my principles to stand by the country in the hour of danger and the others ran away.

Orders of the Day — Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Bill. ( 8 Mar 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: That was not so.

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Small Holdings. ( 7 Mar 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Is it not the fact that many suitable applicants are prevented from taking up their holding on financial grounds, and will the right hon. Gentleman therefore consider making a loan in these cases?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Wheat Act (Standard Price Committee). (25 Feb 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 12. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he can make any statement with regard to the appointment of the committee contemplated in Section 2 (3) of the Wheat Act, 1932, to consider the desirability of making any alteration in the standard price of wheat for the purposes of that Act?

Orders of the Day — Depressed Areas (Development and Improvement) Bill.: Clause 1. — (Appointment and Functions of Commissioners.) ( 7 Dec 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I would like to remind the hon. Member for Aberdare (Mr. G. Hall) that the powers with regard to smallholdings are vested in county councils. Our difficulty is that many of these county councils have done nothing at all, and further powers are needed. I would like to suggest to the Minister and to the Government that if they put into operation the Land Utilisation Act we should lay a sound...

Oral Answers to Questions — Unemployment.: Exchange Accommodation, Ormskirk. ( 6 Dec 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 53. asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he is aware of the inadequate accommodation existing at the Ormskirk Employment Exchange; and if he will consider the provision of more suitable premises at an early date?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Poultry Industry. ( 3 Dec 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 14. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is satisfied that every effort is being made to extend the aid of science and research in connection with the poultry industry; and, if not, will he give the matter his careful attention, especially the preservation of eggs in shell and in liquid form?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Poultry Industry. ( 3 Dec 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 15. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is now in a position to state when the report of the Poultry Commission will be issued?

Orders of the Day — Agricultural Marketing Act, 1933. (29 Nov 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I rise to support the Order. It is not often that I take up very much time in the House, but I feel that I should be neglecting my duty if I did not say a word in support of the Order seeing that I come from so large and important a potato-growing district as South-West Lancashire. The Minister has rightly said that potato values have been very low. I know I am correct when I say that many...

Private Business.: Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Bill. (19 Jul 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I support the Second Reading of the Bill because I feel it is the duty of the Government to try and balance out every branch of the agricultural industry so that there will be one successful whole. The object of the policy of the Government is to bring success to the rural areas, and they are now making an honest attempt to retrieve the livestock industry and provide more employment. I come...

Private Business.: Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Bill. (19 Jul 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I am in sympathy with the unemployed and I think that the policy of the present Government has tended to find work for more unemployed.

Civil Estimates, 1934.: Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. ( 9 Jul 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I wish to join in the congratulations to the Minister of Agriculture for the very able manner in which he has presented the Estimates which have given an opportunity for a general discussion on the agricultural policy of the Government and agricultural interests in general. I would emphasise the great benefit to horticulture of the policy of the Government. I can testify to the fact that...

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Smallholdings. (18 Jun 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 9. asked the Minister of Agriculture what progress is being made in the direction of setting up the association of smallholdings, to take advantage of the grant of £50,000 per annum for three years offered by the Government?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Poultry Industry. (11 Jun 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 16. asked the Minister of Agriculture if he has considered the Resolutions, copies of which were sent to him, passed by a meeting of 2,000 poultry keepers in Lancashire, calling attention to the serious position of those engaged in that branch of agriculture; and what action he proposes to take to avert a disaster to the poultry industry?

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Poultry Industry. (11 Jun 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Will my right hon. Friend anticipate the report of the Committee by prohibiting the importation of all liquid eggs?

Orders of the Day — Finance Bill.: Clause 16. — Amendments as to licences for mechanically propelled vehicles.) ( 5 Jun 1934)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I would like to support the Amendment. I am speaking on behalf of the British timber merchants, but especially on behalf of those who carry on business in the Forest of Dean. One firm when it purchased a tractor had to pay a tax of £25 per annum, and now the tax is £130 per annum, plus special licences, in addition to having had to fix rubber to the wheels. Another firm employs from 60 to...

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