Results 1–20 of 174 for speaker:Mr Samuel Rosbotham

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: British Canned Foods. (20 Sep 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he can give the figures showing the quantity of fruit, vegetables and other food products canned in Great Britain during 1928; the relative quantities for the year 1938; and what are the prospects for the year 1939?

Orders of the Day — National Service (Armed Forces) Bill. ( 3 Sep 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I would make an appeal to the Secretary of State to accept the suggestion of the Opposition that men under 20 should be kept at home or in the Empire for defence pur- poses. The Opposition have behaved nobly throughout these dark days, and it is not asking too much that this concession should be made. I am told on the best authority that in Germany all the girls and boys are in uniform....

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture.: Subsidy (Landowners;). (26 Jun 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Is it not the case that the provisions of the Act which deals with this matter prevent a landowner inserting such a ridiculous clause in a lease?

Orders of the Day — WILD BIRDS (DUCK AND GEESE) PROTECTION BILL [Lords].: Clause 1. — (Extension of close season for wild duck and wild geese.) (21 Apr 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Why does the hon. and gallant Member's Bill not include swans?

Oral Answers to Questions — Potato Marketing. (30 Mar 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Is it not a fact that the present regulations of the Potato Marketing Board provide for a sufficient quantity of potatoes to be grown in this country?

Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1935 to 1938. (28 Mar 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I want to congratulate the Minister of Labour on the success of this scheme. I have been on many a deputation to Ministries of Labour to make strong requests that the agricultural worker should have a system of unemployment insurance, but we were always told that it would require new legislation, and the matter was shelved. I think it is right that we should now offer to the Minister some...

Cotton Industry (Reorganisation) Bill. (27 Mar 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I hope to gain most points for the shortest speech of the day. I wish to speak from an agricultural point of view. We agriculturists and horticulturists of West Lancashire have always looked upon the cotton towns as our best markets, so I wish this Bill every success. I hope it will attain the object that is intended, that is, to bring prosperity back to the cotton industry and protect it...

Oral Answers to Questions — Coal Industry.: Oil Extraction. (21 Mar 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is prepared, when the Coast Mines Act, 1938, comes into operation, to consider taking steps to assist the working of the thin seams that are known to be rich in by products and the erection of factories, especial attention being given to the extraction of oil from coal, which is so much required both in times of peace and war, as these proposals would...

Oral Answers to Questions — Boring for Oil (Formby). (21 Mar 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Can the hon. Member say whether oil has been found?

Orders of the Day — Mining Subsidence Bill. (17 Feb 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I rise to support the Second Reading of the Bill. The hon. Gentleman the Member for Farnworth (Mr. Tomlinson) consented to introduce the Bill, at the request of a conference of local authorities, and water and catchment boards, and credit is due to him for having taken the trouble to do so. Several local authorities in my division have requested me to support the Bill. I have also had a...

Oral Answers to Questions — Coal Industry,: Supply Basic Tonnage (Sale). ( 7 Feb 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that the White Moss Coal Company, Limited, Upholland, have disposed of their supply sales quota to the Sutton Manor Collieries, Limited, and, as the result, several hundred men will be thrown out of work; and what steps he is taking to prevent such transactions taking place in a Special Area?

Condition of Agriculture. ( 1 Feb 1939)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I rise to support the Motion. The observations which have been made by the hon. Member for the Don Valley (Mr. T. Williams) and by other hon. Members have all shown that it is absolutely necessary to do something to retrieve the agricultural position. One hon. Member was rather disturbed about the damage done by rabbits. I can tell him a way to get rid of rabbits. Let him apply to the hon....

Orders of the Day — RESTRICTION OF RIBBON DEVELOPMENT BILL [Lords].: Clause 1. — (Power to adopt standard widths for roads.) (29 Jul 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: I beg to second the Amendment, which, I think, contains a very valuable principle.

Oral Answers to Questions — Coroners (Committee). (11 Jul 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 14. asked the Home Secretary whether he can give any information as to what progress the Coroners Committee is making; and when he expects to receive its report?

Orders of the Day — Finance Bill.: Clause 20. — (Deduction in respect of children.) ( 1 Jul 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: A very sound principle is involved in the Amendment, and I need not take up much time in supporting it, because the case for its acceptance has been so well put by the Mover and Seonder of the Amendment and the hon. Baronet. There is no doubt that apprenticeship should be encouraged. We are in danger these days of losing our craftsmanship. Changes have taken place. We have more machinery, and...

Oral Answers to Questions — Potatoes (Price). (26 Jun 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the rise in potatoes took place after the unfortunate frost, and that it has only been temporary; and is he also aware that prior to the 17th May potatoes were sold in Liverpool Market at £2 per ton, which is 30s. below the cost of production?

Oral Answers to Questions — Housing.: Liverpool (Appointment). ( 6 Jun 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: asked the Minister of Health whether he is now in a position to report on the result of inquiries with regard to the appointment of Miss Jean Thompson, a specially trained housing manager, by the Liverpool Housing Committee as superintendent of lettings, which appointment was referred back by the City Council on the grounds of sex; and, as this case in volves a consideration of the efficiency...

Oral Answers to Questions — Public Health.: Poultry Industry. ( 6 Jun 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 36. asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has yet received any marketing scheme from the poultry industry founded on the Poultry Commission report?

Oral Answers to Questions — Public Health.: Shell-Fish (Cleansing). (15 Apr 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: Has the Minister considered the position of the mussel fishermen in Lancashire whose beds have been condemned and who have to pay cleansing fees in order to market their mussels; and is he fully satisfied that those beds that have not been condemned and from which mussels are being marketed are free from pollution?

Oral Answers to Questions — His Majesty's Silver Jubilee (Celebrations). (15 Apr 1935)

Mr Samuel Rosbotham: 19. asked the Postmaster-General whether he will grant exemption from licence fees to those local authorities or local Jubilee committees who desire to place wireless sets in the schools for the purpose of enabling the scholars to hear the King's Jubilee message to the nation?

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