Results 41–60 of 79 for speaker:Mr James Moses

Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Navy.: Dockyard Establishment (Vacancies). (28 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: 22. asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether any decision has yet been made concerning the filling of vacancies on the establishment in His Majesty's dockyards and a departure from the one-in-eight principle now in operation?

Oral Answers to Questions — British Army.: Drake's Island, Plymouth Sound. (27 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: 24. asked the Secretary of State for War what use is at present being made of the Isle of St. Nicolas (Drake's Island), in Plymouth Sound; what buildings are erected thereon; whether they are being occupied; and will he consider the advisability of leasing the island to the city council for the use and enjoyment of the public on the same terms as other War Department land is held by them?

Orders of the Day — Finance Bill: Clause 4. — (Abolition of duties on bookmakers' certificates and entry certificates.) (27 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: Because it recognised the bookmakers—that is why they were pleased.

Oral Answers to Questions — Unemployment.: Plymouth and Devonport. (22 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: 28. asked the Minister of Labour the number of unemployed persons registered at the Plymouth and Devonport Employment Exchanges for the week ended 10th May, 1930, and for the corresponding period of last year; and the number brought back on the register consequent on the Act of 1929?

Oral Answers to Questions — Housing.: Rents, Paignton. (22 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: 55. asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that the rents of 147 Addison houses at Paignton, reduced by 1s. per wek in 1922, were again raised by that amount in April 1929; has he received any request for their reduction from the Paignton Urban District Council; and will he now state what his intentions are regarding this increase.?

Oral Answers to Questions — Poor Law.: Relief, Plymouth and Devonport. (22 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: 62. asked the Minister of Health the number of able-bodied persons and their dependants in receipt of Poor Law relief in the parishes of Devonport, Plymouth, and Storehouse for the week ending 9th May, 1929, and the numbers for the corresponding week of May, 1930, receiving public assistance from the city of Plymouth, in which those parishes are now incorporated?

Orders of the Day — Transferred Worker's Death. (21 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: Does the Minister know whether any of these gifts have been sent to Walsall or Southampton?

Oral Answers to Questions — Post Office.: Housing (Ernesettle Camp, ST. Budeaux). (20 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: 53. asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if his attention has been called to the housing conditions prevailing at the Ernesettle Camp, St. Budeaux; and what steps he proposes to take to bring about better conditions for the people resident there?

Oral Answers to Questions — Post Office.: Housing (Ernesettle Camp, ST. Budeaux). (20 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: Cannot the hon. Gentleman say what action is to be taken to provide accommodation for these people?

Oral Answers to Questions — Post Office.: Housing (Ernesettle Camp, ST. Budeaux). (20 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: Have any steps been taken to acquaint them with that fact?

Home Office. ( 7 May 1930)

Mr James Moses: Will the hon. Gentleman say whether all the candidates will be interviewed?

Private Business.: CARDIFF CORPORATION BILL (By Order). (30 Apr 1930)

Mr James Moses: Did Bristol ask for a municipal bank?

Supply. (29 Apr 1930)

Mr James Moses: Hear, hear.

Supply. (29 Apr 1930)

Mr James Moses: You have not heard him yet. You wait a bit.

Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Navy.: Engine-Room Artificers. (16 Apr 1930)

Mr James Moses: 12. asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what are the numbers of engine-room artificers and mechanicians, respectively, at present borne on His Majesty's Ship "Ross"; and whether the numbers now borne are to be the future complement for engine-room duties in all ships of this class?

Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Navy.: Tuberculosis. (16 Apr 1930)

Mr James Moses: 20. asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether, in view of the large percentage of engine-room artificers, from apprentices upwards, who are invalided as the result of tuberculosis, he will say what steps are being taken to minimise this cause of invaliding; and whether better conditions of service are being taken into consideration to arrest the increase of tuberculosis which...

Orders of the Day — HOUSING (No. 2) BILL. ( 7 Apr 1930)

Mr James Moses: Not in the slums.

Orders of the Day — Navy Estimates, 1930. (25 Mar 1930)

Mr James Moses: I am not concerned with the pirates mentioned by hon. Gentlemen opposite, but I am a little concerned with Plymouth. I do not observe in the Estimates that there is any provision made for the Torpedo Training Depot at Plymouth. Will the First Lord tell us whether in the event of the Torpedo School boats being removed this year, there is any possibility of a Torpedo School being built on...

Orders of the Day — Supply.: Number of Land Forces. (24 Mar 1930)

Mr James Moses: Does the hon. Gentleman refer to all Government establishments?

Orders of the Day — Coal Mines Bill.: Clause 3. — (Provisions of district scheme.) (20 Mar 1930)

Mr James Moses: The right hon. Gentleman was not here. How could he lead them into the Lobby when he was not here?

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