Results 161–180 of 182 for speaker:Mr Andrew Hargreaves

Orders of the Day — Midland Metro Bill (By Order) ( 5 Mar 1990)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: Because light railways do not run well on through roads.

Orders of the Day — Midland Metro Bill (By Order) ( 5 Mar 1990)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: I thank the hon. Gentleman for his intervention and for his kindly interpretation of my speech. I am putting down a marker on behalf of the hon. Gentleman and myself. If it were proposed that the metro should travel down the middle of the Stratford road, I should object, because light rail systems do not work happily in shopping areas or on through routes such as the Stratford road, which...

Orders of the Day — Midland Metro Bill (By Order) ( 5 Mar 1990)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: I feel that my hon. Friend should know that the hon. Member for West Bromwich, East (Mr. Snape) is one of my constituents.

Orders of the Day — Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill ( 6 Dec 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: I would appreciate it if the hon. Gentleman could also include in his remarks the concept that competition tends to lead to great efficiency in companies bidding for the same contract. It sharpens the acuteness with which they attempt to do the job. I am sure that the hon. Gentleman appreciates that.

Orders of the Day — Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill ( 6 Dec 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: I am grateful for the chance to catch your eye Mr. Deputy Speaker, especially as, unfortunately, because of other commitments in the House, I shall probably not have the pleasure of joining the hon. Member for Linlithgow (Mr. Dalyell) in serving on the Committee to which he is looking foward so much. I wish to make a few comments on the hon. Gentleman's remarks about standards of security....

Orders of the Day — Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill ( 6 Dec 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: I respect the hon. Gentleman's view, but I do not think that it applies to the office accommodation of hon. Members. It is a problem that needs to be addressed.

Orders of the Day — Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill ( 6 Dec 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: Indeed I am, and I make no bones about it. The hon. Member for Brecon and Radnor (Mr. Livsey) referred to the whole process of privatisation. The Opposition have previously referred to privatisation as selling the family silver, but this valuation expert considers that we are selling the silver duster and improving it, the better to preserve the silver. The whole question of privatising the...

Orders of the Day — Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill ( 6 Dec 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: Because there is a perfectly good marketplace in which to buy such items direct and more cheaply, which means better value for money. My constituents want cheaper services to Government and therefore lower public expenditure. I rest my case in saying that there is good reason for privatising the PSA and the Crown Suppliers, and I urge my hon. Friends to support that view.

Orders of the Day — Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill ( 6 Dec 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: They are not.

Orders of the Day — Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill ( 6 Dec 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: As a mere mortal, may I inform the hon. Gentleman that Conservative Members would be quite happy to see those standards improved, because we do not find acceptable the standards that have to be endured in this place and in another place. Some of us would urge my hon. Friend the Minister to go further in terms of the standards provided by the PSA.

Orders of the Day — Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill ( 6 Dec 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: We are referring not to the House of Commons but to its management and security.

Orders of the Day — Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill ( 6 Dec 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: How often have responsible members of the Property Services Agency or any other governmental or quasi-governmental agency been sued or dismissed for making such wrong estimates?

Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Bill (Allocation of Time) (23 Jan 1989)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: I am confused by what the hon. Gentleman said. I appreciate the fact that he believes in the importance of this measure and that it has to complete the parliamentary process by a certain date. However, I am not entirely certain whether the hon. Gentleman resents it being dealt with on the Floor of the House as at present, or whether he would prefer it to be discussed at greater length in a...

Orders of the Day — Electricity Bill (13 Dec 1988)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: I am grateful for the opportunity to speak in the debate because I have had experience of dealing with foreign power-generating companies and their experience is relevant to some of the proposals in the Bill. In contrast to what has been said by some Opposition Members, I shall begin by saying that the Bill is long overdue. That is because there are no longer any valid reasons for the...

Opposition Day: Sport (12 Jul 1988)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: What is the right hon. Gentleman's solution?

Order of the Day: Minor Amendments (16 Feb 1988)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the debate. I must admit that, after listening to Opposition Members rehearse the same arguments time and again for 62 hours, it is difficult to remember exactly what we are discussing. I am grateful to the hon. Member for Hackney, North and Stoke Newington (Ms. Abbott) for referring to equity, and I am particularly keen to dwell on that...

Order of the Day: Minor Amendments (16 Feb 1988)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: I am sure that the hon. Gentleman will have a chance to catch your eye, Mr. Speaker, later. In the interests of racial harmony, I also hope that Opposition Members remember that Conservative Members, including those of us who served on the Committee and who listened to the arguments put forward by Opposition Members, also represent the interests of true racial harmony. No matter what the...

Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Industry: Austin Rover (13 Jan 1988)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what information he has on forecasts for sales by Austin Rover in Japan in 1988 and as to how the figures compare with those for 1985.

Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Industry: Austin Rover (13 Jan 1988)

Mr Andrew Hargreaves: Does my hon. Friend agree that these figures explode the myth that British companies cannot sell in Japan, despite non-competitive taxation in Japan on motor cars? Does he further agree that they augur well for Austin Rover exports and therefore for employment in the west midlands, and ultimately for the Government's intention to return the company to the private sector?

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