Results 721–729 of 729 for speaker:Mr Harold McCusker

Northern Ireland ( 3 Jun 1974)

Mr Harold McCusker: I was returned to this House with a majority of 15,000 and the first point of my platform was that I would not share power with the SDLP.

Northern Ireland (10 Apr 1974)

Mr Harold McCusker: Will the right hon. Gentleman convey the gratitude of myself and the people of Armagh to the two hon. Gentlemen on the benches opposite who found the time to come to see the £3 million damage caused by the Irish Republican Army? Does he accept that there was a lot of anger and frustration that neither he nor the Minister of State, nor anyone else from his office, was able to come along as...

Oral Answers to Questions — Northern Ireland: Shooting Incident (County Armagh) ( 4 Apr 1974)

Mr Harold McCusker: asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what action he has taken, since the shooting incidents at Shaw's Lake, to ensure adequate liaison and communication between the various branches of the security forces.

Oral Answers to Questions — Northern Ireland: Shooting Incident (County Armagh) ( 4 Apr 1974)

Mr Harold McCusker: I fully accept the explanation that the right hon. Gentleman gave the House about the incident. I in no way criticise the security forces. However, will the right hon. Gentleman publicly acknowledge that I have given him other examples of a breakdown in liaison? How can he reconcile them with an answer, given me by his hon. Friend the Minister of State, that there is no need for...

Northern Ireland ( 4 Apr 1974)

Mr Harold McCusker: The hon. Gentleman must acknowledge that some members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary are guarding the life of the hon. Member for Belfast, West (Mr. Fitt). The vast majority of those members of the RUC that you are maligning are still members of the RUC. Those men did not kill, maim or shoot anything like the hundreds and thousands of people who have been killed by supporters of the hon....

Northern Ireland ( 4 Apr 1974)

Mr Harold McCusker: Too late.

Orders of the Day — Eggs Authority (Levy) (22 Mar 1974)

Mr Harold McCusker: My constituency is largely agricultural. I have the disadvantage of not being a farmer and of having no agricultural experience. It therefore behoves me to apply myself as diligently as I can to the problems of my constituents. I was surprised to hear the Minister say that the scheme had obtained a general welcome. County Armagh egg producers do not welcome it, perhaps for reasons which...

Northern Ireland (21 Mar 1974)

Mr Harold McCusker: As the Member in whose constituency this disaster occurred, may I associate myself with the expressions of sympathy which have come from the two Front Benches Will not the right hon. Gentleman accept that this tragedy represents a situation which has concerned many of us in Northern Ireland regarding the breakdown in liaison and communication which seems frequently to occur between the Army...

Orders of the Day — Agriculture and Prices (14 Mar 1974)

Mr Harold McCusker: I am conscious of the opportunity which you have given me, Mr. Deputy Speaker, and conscious of a lack of polish and experience in these affairs. I beg your indulgence and the indulgence of hon. Members if I transgress from the customs and practices of the House. I immediately pay tribute to my predecessor, Mr. Jack Maginnis, who had represented Armagh for 15 years. He was an honest and...

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