Results 121–131 of 131 for speaker:Dave Petrie

Scottish Parliament: Human Trafficking (Prostitution) (25 May 2006)

Dave Petrie: I thank Trish Godman and congratulate her on raising this vital issue. Slavery has concerned Conservative politicians since our party abolished the slave trade at the beginning of the 19 th century. It troubles me that now, in the 21 st century, slavery still exists in Britain, through a comprehensive network of people trafficking. It is undoubtedly a heinous blight not only on the human...

Scottish Parliament: Human Trafficking (Prostitution) (25 May 2006)

Dave Petrie: That is up for debate. At least the convention guarantees 30 days' respite. It is at least something. I am sure the matter can be considered at a later date. Why a Government should focus so much attention on people trafficking without providing the necessary support network for the victims has yet to be explained. In a speech in January, the shadow foreign secretary, William Hague,...

Scottish Parliament: Woodland (Urban Communities): Scottish Environment Protection Agency (18 May 2006)

Dave Petrie: What action are the Scottish Executive and SEPA taking to target private raw sewage outfalls that cause serious pollution in publicly sewered areas, including what has happened with the new £3.5 million contract that Scottish Water has carried out in Connel, Argyll?

Scottish Parliament: Planning etc (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1 (17 May 2006)

Dave Petrie: I echo Patrick Harvie's and Christine Grahame's thanks to the clerks, witnesses and Communities Committee colleagues for their excellent support. I declare an interest as a former Scottish Water manager. When the Planning etc (Scotland) Bill was introduced to Parliament on 19 December last year, I did not think in my wildest dreams that I would be standing here opening this debate for my...

Scottish Parliament: Planning etc (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1 (17 May 2006)

Dave Petrie: No, I am on a roll. However, it is unlikely that the proposal will ensure the robust transparency that the NPF requires. The bill remains vague on the Parliament's input in scrutinising and approving the NPF. We agree with the Communities Committee on the need for a parliamentary debate on the NPF and on the need for proper consultation. We also wish to address the current lack of a statutory...

Scottish Parliament: Council Tax and Pensioner Poverty (11 May 2006)

Dave Petrie: I thank you for your warm welcome to the chamber, Presiding Officer—nothing to do with the fire, of course. It is patently obvious that there is no palatable way in which to fund essential local services. However, the most important provision that we want from our local authorities is a service that represents value for the money collected. The concern of all parties must be that, at the...

Scottish Parliament: Credit Unions (10 May 2006)

Dave Petrie: I am very happy to speak in this evening's debate and I congratulate Christine May on bringing this most worthwhile and relevant subject to the chamber. Credit unions and financial co-operatives offer a vital and—more important—accessible service for communities and individual members of society who experience difficulty in accessing alternative financial services. In this age of right to...

Scottish Parliament: Question Time — Scottish Executive — General Questions: Water Mains (Improvements) ( 4 May 2006)

Dave Petrie: Is the minister aware of the excessive amount of water leakage that is recorded on Scottish Water's nightline meters at a time when very few customers draw water? If so, what are the Executive's proposals for eliminating such major waste—without substantially increasing the already excessive water charges?

Scottish Parliament: Voluntary Sector Funding ( 3 May 2006)

Dave Petrie: I am pleased to speak in my first members' business debate, and I congratulate Donald Gorrie on bringing a worthy topic to our attention. I am delighted to have the opportunity to address a topic that is close to my heart, as I know it is to the hearts of other members. In my past life, I was chairman of the Oban Round Table and president of the Oban Rotary Club. Accordingly, it saddens me to...

Scottish Parliament: Historic Environment Policy (27 Apr 2006)

Dave Petrie: It feels most appropriate that my maiden speech should be on the topic of historic environment policy, as I live in an ancient building just down the road from one of Scotland's treasured ancient monuments, McCaig's tower in Oban. As a former rural public service employee, I am acutely aware of the vital need to protect and regenerate our heritage, and I fully recognise the need to review the...

Scottish Parliament: Historic Environment Policy (27 Apr 2006)

Dave Petrie: I was not pointing at Christine Grahame. My eyes have been well and truly opened to the complex vagaries of planning legislation. The Scottish Conservative party has long argued for a thorough reform of the planning system and welcomes the long-overdue Planning etc (Scotland) Bill's aim of simplifying and speeding up the planning process. I hope that the more streamlined policy will be...

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