Results 361–362 of 362 for speaker:Lord Cameron of Dillington

Wheels to Work Schemes (22 Feb 2005)

Lord Cameron of Dillington: My Lords, I thank the Minister for that reply. I am disappointed but not surprised by it. Delighted as I am, of course, to have a conversation with the Minister, I am slightly surprised that a representative from the Department for Works and Pensions is not here to answer the Question. I am sure the Minister is aware that the chances of rural youngsters finding jobs within walking distance...

Address in Reply to Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech (30 Nov 2004)

Lord Cameron of Dillington: My Lords, first, I must apologise for putting your Lordships through the ordeal of yet another maiden speech with all its flowery tributes and so on, which in my case, as you will see, will be totally unwarranted. All I can say by way of recompense is that I suspect the ordeal is probably slightly worse from this side of the text. I know that it is also customary, but I would very genuinely...

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