Results 141–160 of 315 for speaker:Lord Acton

Written Answers — House of Lords: Far East Prisoners of War: Ex-gratia Payments and Gurkhas ( 7 Nov 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether the ex-gratia payment scheme for Far East Prisoners of War will be extended to include Gurkhas.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Defence Intelligence and Security Centre Agency: Key Targets 2003–04 ( 6 Nov 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What key targets have been set for the Defence Intelligence and Security Centre Agency for financial year 2003–04.

Copyright Law ( 5 Nov 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, is my noble friend aware that my American law professor wife has written an admirable book—sorry, a wholly admirable book—called Invasion of Privacy? I hereby undertake to get her to send the noble Earl, Lord Ferrers, a signed copy.

State Visits to the United Kingdom (21 Oct 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, is my noble friend aware that under this plan both Houses of Parliament would have had the privilege of being addressed by President Ceausescu of Romania and President Mugabe of Zimbabwe? Would it not be better to leave well alone?

Zimbabwe: Food Aid (15 Oct 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, is my noble friend aware that in July the United Nations launched an appeal for 530 million dollars of humanitarian aid for six southern African countries, much of it for 4 million hungry Zimbabweans? Is she aware that the results so far have been most disappointing and that only about one-fifth of the money has been forthcoming? While I appreciate that Britain has been very...

Zimbabwe: Press Freedom ( 8 Oct 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, may I add to what the noble Lord, Lord Avebury, said to my noble friend? I am delighted that she is continuing to answer questions on Zimbabwe—and, indeed, that she is the Leader of the House. I much look forward to my noble friend and I continuing to play a duet on this subject. Can my noble friend say whether the Nigerian Government have had anything to say about the banning of...

Written Answers — House of Lords: Juries (11 Sep 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether any decision has been made regarding the recommendations of the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee on the Criminal Justice Bill in respect of jury research.

Written Answers — House of Lords: UN Convention Against Torture: Optional Protocol ( 9 Sep 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether the United Kingdom will ratify the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (OPCAT).

Written Answers — House of Lords: European Union: Forthcoming Council Business ( 9 Sep 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they will list the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union from September 2003 to March 2004.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Wilton Park: Annual Report ( 9 Sep 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they will publish the Wilton Park annual report and accounts for 2002–03.

Written Answers — House of Lords: National Lottery (16 Jul 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether broadcasting regulation takes account of the special status of the National Lottery.

Zimbabwe (15 Jul 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, we have spoken of the economic challenges. Is my noble friend aware that tobacco has played what is possibly the crucial part in earning foreign exchange for Zimbabwe? In view of the international decline in the tobacco market, will Britain and its partners pay attention to finding cash crops that a new-born Zimbabwe can develop to earn foreign exchange?

Speakership of the House ( 3 Jul 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, I wish to raise a point raised to me by the noble Lord, Lord Allen of Abbeydale, who has immense experience. He wanted to raise the point when the noble Lord, Lord Carrington, referred to the matter originally but he did not get to his feet. The noble Lord tells me that it is not true that the Lord Chancellor is invariably a member of the Cabinet. When Viscount Simon, the...

Written Answers — House of Lords: Rape and Sexual Assault: British Citizens Travelling Overseas (30 Jun 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What guidance they provide for British citizens travelling overseas on rape and sexual assault while abroad.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Heathrow Airport: Travelators (27 Jun 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What programme the Civil Aviation Authority has installed to improve the performance of the travelators at Heathrow Airport.

Devolution (20 Jun 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, I am sorry to interrupt my noble friend, but did not Palmerston say that only three people had ever understood that question? One was dead, one was mad, and he himself had forgotten.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Working Holidaymaker Scheme (20 Jun 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What plans they have to review the working holidaymaker scheme.

Zimbabwe (17 Jun 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, have the Government been in touch directly with South Africa on this matter?

Written Answers — House of Lords: General Commissioners of Income Tax: Amalgamation of Divisions (12 Jun 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What are their proposals for the amalgamations of divisions of the General Commissioners of Income Tax in Lancashire, Bedfordshire, Clwyd and Essex.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Police Use of Firearms (12 Jun 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: When they will publish the statistics on police use of firearms in 2001–02 in England and Wales.

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