Results 81–100 of 315 for speaker:Lord Acton

Written Answers — House of Lords: Cancer: Bowel (18 Apr 2006)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether the drug Avastin is widely used in the National Health Service for the treatment of bowel cancer.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Prisoners: Self-inflicted Deaths (18 Apr 2006)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: How many self-inflicted deaths by women prisoners in England and Wales there were in each year from 2001 to 2005.

Prisons: Deaths in Custody (22 Mar 2006)

Lord Acton: My Lords, is the Minister aware that, in her annual report last month, the Chief Inspector of Prisons stressed a link between women prisoner suicides and overcrowding? As the number of women prisoners is once again rising, will the Minister do whatever she can to reduce it?

Written Answers — House of Lords: Smoking (21 Mar 2006)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether the National Health Service's Stop Smoking Services include a service designed and targeted specifically to help children under 18 to give up smoking.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Prisoners: Women (13 Mar 2006)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: How many women prisoners there were in England and Wales on 31 December of each year from 2001 to 2005; and How many women prisoners in England and Wales there were on 31 January and 28 February 2006.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Heathrow Airport: Travelators (16 Feb 2006)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Davies of Oldham on 27 October 2004 (WA 134), whether the travelators at Heathrow airport fell below the required standard during 2005; if so, in how many months of 2005; and how far short they fell of the required standard.

Cancer: Bowel (13 Feb 2006)

Lord Acton: My Lords, is my noble friend aware that, in the light of new evidence, Professor Shuker of the Open University said last month: "These combined discoveries have allowed us to link red meat consumption to an increased risk of bowel cancer"? Do the Government agree, and, if so, will they investigate and publish how much red meat it is safe to eat?

Written Answers — House of Lords: Criminal Justice: Women ( 1 Feb 2006)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Further to the statement by the Baroness Scotland of Asthal on 12 January (Official Report, col. 389) on the needs and characteristics of women in the criminal justice system, whether they are considering establishing a justice board for women similar to the Youth Justice Board.

Zimbabwe (30 Jan 2006)

Lord Acton: My Lords, can the Minister say whether the South African Government have reacted to this resolution on their own?

Tributes to the late Lord Callaghan of Cardiff ( 4 Apr 2005)

Lord Acton: My Lords, the last proper conversation that I had with Lord Callaghan was at the Long Table. During lunch, he said, "You know, when you reach my age, all that really matters are the grandchildren and the great-grandchildren". I thought how wonderful it must be to be really grown up.

Female Genital Mutilation Act: Prosecutions ( 3 Mar 2005)

Lord Acton: My Lords, in reply to the noble Baroness, Lady Rendell, my noble and learned friend mentioned that some investigations were ongoing under the 2003 Act. Is he able to indicate how many such investigations there are?

Community Sentences ( 1 Mar 2005)

Lord Acton: My Lords, can my noble friend say whether the decline in women prisoners in England and Wales by 160 for the year ended 14 January was due to an increase in community sentences? Will the Government encourage the greater use of community sentences for women in future?

"Yesterday in Parliament" (24 Feb 2005)

Lord Acton: My Lords, I pay tribute to the noble Baroness, Lady Boothroyd, for her heroic efforts in leading Members of Parliament in 1998–99 to success in getting some of "Yesterday in Parliament" put back on FM, but should not the goal, in view of the tremendous importance of the matter, be to get back to the pre-1998 position?

Written Answers — House of Lords: Afghanistan: Opium Cultivation (23 Feb 2005)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: According to the United Nations annual poppy crop survey in Afghanistan, what was the level of opium poppy cultivation and production in hectares and tonnes in Afghanistan in each year from 2000 to 2004.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Prisons: Female Population (10 Feb 2005)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Further to the Statement by Baroness Scotland of Asthal on 19 January (Official Report, col. 871–872) that "we have fewer women in prison today than we had a year ago", what are the relevant figures.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Iraq: Regional Majorities ( 9 Feb 2005)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: In which of Iraq's 18 provinces are: (a) Sunni Arabs; and (b) Kurds in a majority.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Jet Lag (24 Jan 2005)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they are conducting or otherwise supporting any research into alleviating the effects of jet lag.

HM Inspector of Prisons (19 Jan 2005)

Lord Acton: My Lords, I too congratulate the noble Baroness, Lady Stern, on asking this key question. It gives me enormous pleasure to pay special tribute to my noble friend Lord Merlyn-Rees, for he is the ultimate forefather of the Chief Inspector of Prisons and the prisons inspectorate. It was he who, in November 1978, set up the May committee of inquiry into the organisation of the Prison Service. The...

Written Answers — House of Lords: HM Chief Inspectors of Prisons (19 Jan 2005)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they will list HM Chief Inspectors of Prisons and their terms of office.

Guantanamo Bay (11 Jan 2005)

Lord Acton: My Lords, in answer to my noble friend Lord Borrie, my noble and learned friend the Attorney-General said that certain matters had been raised with the United States Administration. Were satisfactory answers received?

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