Results 301–315 of 315 for speaker:Lord Acton

Written Answers — House of Lords: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Export of Ex-Army Trucks (12 Jul 2000)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they have approved the export of two military rated trucks to the United Methodist Committee for Relief in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Democratic Republic of Congo: Export ofEx-Army Truck (12 Jul 2000)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they will issue an export licence for an ex-military Bedford truck for use by the Catholic Relief Service in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Written Answers — House of Lords: BNFL Magnox, Berkeley Centre: Experimental Work (12 Jul 2000)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What progress has been made on the work for the Ministry of Defence being undertaken at the British Nuclear Fuels Limited Magnox facility at the Berkeley Centre in Gloucestershire.

Written Answers — House of Lords: House of Lords Reform: Joint Committee ( 3 Jul 2000)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: When they intend to propose the appointment of a Joint Committee of both Houses to consider the parliamentary aspects of reform of the House of Lords, as set out in the White Paper Modernising Parliament: Reforming the House of Lords (Cm 4183, January 1999).

Written Answers — House of Lords: Demining Vehicle Export Licence (29 Jun 2000)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they have granted a licence for the export of demining vehicles for use by the HALO trust.

Zimbabwe: Elections (22 Jun 2000)

Lord Acton: My Lords, I have many relatives and masses of friends in Zimbabwe. Following on from the question of the noble Lord, Lord Marsh, does the Minister believe that the presence of the international observers has probably done something to reduce the violence slightly?

Written Answers — House of Lords: HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (22 Jun 2000)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What is the size of the staff supporting HM Chief Inspector of Prisons.

Written Answers — House of Lords: HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (22 Jun 2000)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: How many prisons and other establishments were inspected by or on behalf of HM Chief Inspector of Prisons in 1999.

Prison and Probation Services Inspectorates (12 Jun 2000)

Lord Acton: My Lords, can the Minister say how much longer Sir David Ramsbotham's contract has to run and whether he is eligible to be reappointed?

Prostate Cancer (23 May 2000)

Lord Acton: My Lords, at what age should men start taking these inaccurate tests?

Written Answers — House of Lords: Involuntary Manslaughter (23 May 2000)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What plans they have to reform the law relating to involuntary manslaughter and in particular corporate manslaughter.

The Queen Mother: 100th Birthday Celebrations (17 May 2000)

Lord Acton: My Lords, can the Minister confirm that the two newspapers selected to distribute the 2,000 tickets are the Sun and the Sunday Telegraph? As someone who does not read either of those newspapers, I ask the Minister whether she can tell the House how they were selected.

Demonstrations in Central London ( 2 May 2000)

Lord Acton: My Lords, is my noble friend aware of a report in The Times today stating that the McDonald's in Whitehall was closed after a police warning and that the handful of staff present had to flee to safety through the rear of the building as chairs flew through the air? My noble friend cannot possibly be aware that I had breakfast in McDonald's in Whitehall yesterday morning--long before the...

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (20 Apr 2000)

Lord Acton: My Lords, does my noble friend agree that the current Chief Inspector of Prisons is not only robust and independent but has done a very fine job indeed?

Written Answers — House of Lords: Gibraltar (19 Apr 2000)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What progress has been made in their current discussions concerning Gibraltar in the European Union.

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