Results 181–200 of 315 for speaker:Lord Acton

Written Answers — House of Lords: Zimbabwe: EU Aid ( 4 Mar 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: How much bilateral aid is paid to Zimbabwe by each European Union member state; and how much was given to Zimbabweans through the European Commission's Conflict and Humanitarian Office by (a) the United Kingdom and (b) other European Union member states.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Zimbabwe: Aid (13 Feb 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: How much bilateral and multilateral aid is given to Zimbabweans by (a) the United Kingdom; and (b) the European Union, broken down by member states.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Asylum Claims by Post (10 Feb 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What plans they have to end asylum claims by post.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Unfounded Asylum Applications (10 Feb 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What measures they intend to take to prevent people recognised as refugees elsewhere in Europe from coming to the United Kingdom and making unfounded asylum applications using false identities.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Zimbabwe ( 5 Feb 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: (a) how much money the United Nations World Food Programme seeks to raise to aid Zimbabweans; (b) how much of the sum has been committed in total; and (c) how much the United Kingdom and each other donor country have committed.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (30 Jan 2003)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What was the outcome of the meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council held on 3 December; and what the Government's stance was on the issues discussed, including their voting record.

Smoking in Public Places (21 Jan 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords—

Smoking in Public Places (21 Jan 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, is my noble friend aware that, after the big vote on the Adoption and Children Bill, I saw—at least I think I saw—a very eminent Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health in the Guest Room Bar smoking a very, very large cigar and blowing smoke in my general direction? Did the Minister note anything in his diary that night, or should I get new spectacles?

Zimbabwe (15 Jan 2003)

Lord Acton: My Lords, are the Government keeping under constant review the level of food aid to Zimbabweans, and will they increase it as and when they can?

Written Answers — House of Lords: Indonesia: FCO Travel Advice (28 Oct 2002)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they will make an announcement on the travel advice for Indonesia.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Senegal: Export of Machine Guns (22 Oct 2002)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they have agreed to supply general purpose machine guns to Senegal for use in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country subject to a European Union arms embargo.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Gambling Reform (17 Oct 2002)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: When they next expect to publish information relating to gambling reform.

Zimbabwe: Dispossessed Farmers (16 Oct 2002)

Lord Acton: My Lords, is my noble friend aware that I have many close relations who have lost their homes and their farms in Zimbabwe? Is she aware that my relations and other commercial farmers are dreadfully concerned about the future of the 350,000 farm workers and their 1¾ million dependants who now face being homeless and jobless and who will face hunger and even starvation? Will the Government...

Written Answers — House of Lords: GM Crops: Prime Minister's Strategy Unit (30 Jul 2002)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: To explain the role of the Prime Minister's Strategy Unit in the public dialogue on GM crop issues.

Written Answers — House of Lords: People's Panel (30 Jul 2002)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: When they plan to release the results of the final wave of research from the People's Panel.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Women in the Criminal Justice System (16 Jul 2002)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Further to the reply by Lord Filkin on 30 May (HL Deb, col 1490), whether they have succeeded in speeding up consideration of a criminal justice board for women as proposed by the Lord Chief Justice.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Early Years Education and Childcare (16 Jul 2002)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: What changes to ministerial responsibilities they will be making in relation to Sure Start, early years and childcare.

Written Answers — House of Lords: Tanzania (10 Jul 2002)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they will make an announcement relating to the Secretary of State for International Development's recent visit to Tanzania.

Zimbabwe ( 4 Jul 2002)

Lord Acton: My Lords, as one who has spent a great deal of his life in Zimbabwe, I wonder whether my noble friend the Minister is aware of how grateful I am to Britain for the generosity that it has shown to the hungry people of Zimbabwe. On 1st July, in reply to a Written Question, my noble friend Lord McIntosh of Haringey said that Britain was to give a further £45 million of food aid to Zimbabwe,...

Written Answers — House of Lords: Public Sector Civil Nuclear Liabilities ( 4 Jul 2002)

Lord Acton: asked Her Majesty's Government: Pursuant to a statement of 28 November 2001, when the White Paper on arrangements for managing public sector civil nuclear liabilities will be published.

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