Results 101–120 of 3874 for speaker:Lord Taylor of Warwick

Written Answers — Treasury: Inflation ( 1 May 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government, following recent remarks from the deputy governor of the Bank of England, Dave Ramsden, that inflation could remain around the two per cent target for the next three years, what steps they are taking to ensure sustainable economic growth in this environment.

Written Answers — Treasury: Inflation ( 1 May 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government, further to recent data released by S&P Global showing that April had the fastest rise in business activity since last May, what steps they are taking to sustain this momentum and ensure continued economic growth.

Written Answers — Department for Transport: Cars: Insurance ( 1 May 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government, following a 43 per cent increase in car insurance prices compared to this time last year, what steps they are taking to address the underlying factors that contribute to those high premiums, such as rising claims costs and inflation.

Written Answers — Department for Work and Pensions: Unemployment ( 1 May 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the rise in (1) unemployment, and (2) economic inactivity, highlighted in the Office for National Statistics data, published on 16 April; and what steps they are taking to support individuals transitioning back into employment.

Written Answers — Department for Energy Security and Net Zero: Renewable Energy: Supply Chains ( 1 May 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the UK renewables deployment supply chain readiness study, published on 17 April; and what steps they are taking to address the UK’s renewable energy supply chain constraints.

Written Answers — Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities: Housing Market (30 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the findings of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors survey indicating a third consecutive monthly increase in demand in the housing market.

Written Answers — Home Office: UK Border Force: Heathrow Airport (30 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the potential economic impact of the upcoming strikes by Border Force officers at Heathrow Airport on (1) businesses, and (2) tourism.

Written Answers — Treasury: New Businesses: Capital Investment (30 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of reports of a decline in venture capital investment in UK start-ups in the first quarter of 2024; and what steps they are taking to support the growth of the UK's innovation ecosystem.

Written Answers — Home Office: Mortgages: Fees and Charges (29 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government, following the recent increase in cases of advance fee mortgage scams, what steps they are taking to prevent such scams.

Written Answers — Department for Culture, Media and Sport: Intellectual Property: Artificial Intelligence (29 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking, if any, to update copyright and intellectual property regulations to better protect the rights of professional creatives and ensure fair compensation, given the challenges posed by artificial intelligence technologies.

Written Answers — Treasury: Personal Savings (24 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government, following the findings of the Financial Conduct Authority survey indicating a decrease in savings and investing among UK adults, what steps they are taking to help individuals and families save and invest.

Written Answers — Treasury: Cost of Living (24 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the findings of the Financial Conduct Authority survey indicating an increase in adults across the UK struggling to pay bills due to the high cost of living, and what steps they are taking to help individuals and families facing financial difficulties.

Written Answers — Treasury: Economic Situation (24 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to sustain the momentum of the economic recovery following indications that GDP increased in January and February.

Written Answers — Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Agriculture: UK Trade with EU (12 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government, following concerns raised by farmers regarding changes to the standard of food imports, what steps they are taking to address the impact of post-Brexit trade deals on British farmers.

Written Answers — Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities: Housing: Prices and Standards (11 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government, following recent findings by the Resolution Foundation regarding the affordability and quality of housing, what steps they are taking to (1) address, and (2) mitigate, those challenges.

Written Answers — Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities: Regional Planning and Development: Finance ( 8 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of programmes funded under (1) the Levelling Up Fund, (2) the Towns Fund, and (3) the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, in addressing regional socio-economic divides across the UK.

Written Answers — Department for Work and Pensions: Poverty: Children ( 8 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government, following the release of data showing that the number of children living in absolute poverty has risen by the highest rate in 30 years, what steps they are taking to address the increase in child poverty rates.

Written Answers — Treasury: Food: Prices ( 8 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the impact of the easing grocery price inflation on (1) consumer spending habits, and (2) household budgets.

Written Answers — Treasury: Housing Market ( 8 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to (1) ensure that stabilising mortgage rates contribute to sustained growth in the housing market, and (2) address challenges faced by homebuyers concerning the increased cost of living.

Written Answers — Treasury: Economic Situation ( 8 Apr 2024)

Lord Taylor of Warwick: To ask His Majesty's Government, following the revision to the UK's sovereign credit outlook by global ratings agency Fitch from negative to stable, what assessment they have made of the impact of this on the UK's standing in (1) global trade, and (2) investment markets.

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