Results 21–40 of 1212 for speaker:Lord Mackay of Clashfern

Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill - Committee: Amendment 1 (25 Jan 2022)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, the answer to the question of the noble Lord, Lord Grocott, may be that, if something was clearly in contradiction to the dissolution principles, it would be wrong. The idea must be that the Prime Minister would exercise his power to request within the framework provided by the dissolution principles.

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill - Third Reading: Amendment 1 (25 Jan 2022)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, as I understand the position, the amendment, without qualification, was pressed to and supported in a Division. The normal situation to deal with the kind of question that the noble and learned Lord mentioned would be to modify that amendment by another, but that, for reasons that may be quite understandable, did not happen. Therefore, the amendment that was passed was unqualified...

Health and Care Bill - Committee (4th Day): Amendment 54 (20 Jan 2022)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, I support these amendments, subject to the economic difficulties. As I listened to the local Baroness, Lady Brinton, I wondered whether the amendments might be strengthened by some reference to the timescale in which they must be implemented. That might have some beneficial effect for many people who are waiting.

Devolved Governments: Public Expenditure - Question (20 Jan 2022)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, to what extent do the UK Government make clear in the publicity in the devolved Administrations the amounts of money that come from the UK Government to those Administrations?

Northern Ireland (Ministers, Elections and Petitions of Concern) Bill - Report: Amendment 5 (19 Jan 2022)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, Northern Ireland has been a matter that I have thought of as very difficult in this situation for quite a long time. I believe that the explanations that have just been given by the two speakers who went before me are vital in trying to get a settlement that will be sufficiently good for all the interests in Northern Ireland. If we are going to do that, it will be by a pretty full...

Health and Care Bill - Committee (3rd Day) (Continued): Amendment 42 (18 Jan 2022)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, I strongly support that. It seems to me that the National Health Service is devoted to looking after patients. Therefore, it is very strange that there is no national voice for patients to speak to it. In a way, Healthwatch England fulfils that—but in a very awkward position. I do not know exactly the relationship within the constitution of the committee and the CQC. For example,...

Health and Care Bill - Committee (3rd Day) (Continued): Amendment 26 (18 Jan 2022)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, the Minister is much in agreement with others that the leadership being enthusiastic for progress is important. I understand that nominations have already been made for the various positions that are likely to come up. To what extent has enthusiasm for digital transformation been a criterion in nominating those people? It is vital that the leader really believes in what is to happen...

Health and Care Bill - Committee (3rd Day): Amendment 20 (18 Jan 2022)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, I am sorry to intervene at this stage but I cannot let the opportunity pass to say, in my view, how important it is that children be particularly referred to and their circumstances be properly taken into account. We have very powerful legislation on the care of children, but the same is not true with health, and it is extremely important that that be kept in view. Apart from...

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill - Report (6th Day): Amendment 114D (17 Jan 2022)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, the first Bill I can remember that dealt with this subject did so under the name of “harassment”. That was before 1997. This whole evil has grown extraordinarily since then. I am not aware of any real analysis of the reason for that exponential growth, but it is certainly important that the people who have to deal with it understand what is involved. Unless and until that is...

Patient Safety Commissioner - Question ( 2 Dec 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, in view of the size of the liability for clinical negligence in the NHS, is it not urgent that the commissioner be appointed and be successful in introducing measures for increased safety?

Previous Business – Lords: Grand Committee ()

Whether the liability costs to the NHS in England that relate to negligence can be reduced; and, if so, how – Lord Mackay of Clashfern. Short debate; 1:00 pm

Procedure and Privileges Committee - Motion to Agree: Amendment to the Motion ( 1 Dec 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, I have never been in the House of Commons, but I have had quite a long time watching it. I am conscious that sometimes in the past, the way in which the ultimate questioner was selected was not the best, but I think that what today we are asked to do by the report is to go back to the way we had before. I am perfectly happy if later on, once we come back to what we have done, we...

Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill - Second Reading (30 Nov 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, I very much subscribe to the last observation of my noble friend Lord Norton. The detail of what should happen in the event of the previous Act being repealed is an extremely complicated matter. Clause 2 seeks to set out what should happen, but the question about whether a prerogative can be set up again once it has been destroyed is interesting and possibly important. If there are...

Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill [HL] - Report: Amendment 126 (29 Nov 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, I am in the rather unusual position of having brought the judicial retirement age down, all those years ago, to 70 from 75. Your Lordships will remember that 75 was a fairly recent innovation because, originally, judges were appointed for life, and if they did not care for resignation, that sometimes meant fairly long periods in office. I am very given to wishing for diversity on...

Armed Forces Bill - Report: Amendment 4 (23 Nov 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: I move that the opinion of the House be taken. Ayes 219, Noes 173.

Armed Forces Bill - Report: Amendment 3 (23 Nov 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, I thank the Minister for her very detailed answer to my amendment. It was clear to me, from the beginning of this provision titled “Armed Forces Covenant Report” in the 2011 Act, that all that had been done to make any references to the Armed Forces covenant in this was to delete the word “report”. But it seemed to me that, in the ordinary course of statutory interpretation,...

Armed Forces Bill - Report: Amendment 3 (23 Nov 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, I think it might be convenient for me to speak to my amendments in this group, Amendments 17 and 4. Something about Amendment 4 has been said already and I will not repeat that, but I shall attempt to elaborate on it somewhat. On Amendment 17, when I was trying to consider this issue more carefully after the Minister’s argument in Committee, I happened to notice that this clause...

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill - Committee (10th Day): Amendment 269 (22 Nov 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: Before the noble and learned Lord sits down, I made a mistake earlier in not referring to the noble Lord, Lord Rosser, properly. That was my error; I am sorry for it, and I am sure he will forgive me.

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill - Committee (10th Day): Amendment 269 (22 Nov 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: My Lords, some time ago when the Hillsborough matter was before this House, the noble Lord, Lord Rooker, I think, and I put forward a suggestion that the coroner in an inquest should have power to allow a public authority, or an authority with resources, to put forward a defence using lawyers for that purpose, and that a condition of granting such permission should be that the authority is...

Climate Change: Global Temperatures - Question (27 Oct 2021)

Lord Mackay of Clashfern: Can my noble friend say whether any of the pumps that are being suggested to substitute for gas boilers in our homes are yet in a state to be widely used?

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