Results 181–200 of 558 for speaker:Mr Archie Norman

Written Answers — Health: Pay Costs (18 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Health pursuant to his answer of 7 March 2003, Official Report, columns 1273–74W, on staff numbers, what the total pay costs incurred by the (a) Medical Devices Agency, (b) Meat Hygiene Service and (c) Medicines Control Agency were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Work and Pensions: Health and Safety Executive (17 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to his answer of 7 March 2003, Official Report, column 1259W, on the Health and Safety Executive, what the total pay costs incurred by the Health and Safety Executive were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Health: NHS Appointments Commission (12 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many appointments to the position of Chairman have been made by the NHS Appointments Commission since its inception, broken down by (a) recognised medical or nursing qualification, (b) in-service professionals from medicine, nursing and other clinical or health-related backgrounds and (c) other backgrounds, experience and qualifications.

Written Answers — Home Department: Charities Bill (10 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what the timetable is for the proposed Charities Bill.

Written Answers — Health: NHS Management Training Scheme (10 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many entrants were recruited on to the NHS Management Training Scheme in each of the last six years, broken down by (a) the number and percentage of university graduates, (b) the number and percentage who are graduates of Oxford and Cambridge Universities, (c) the number and percentage with HND or an equivalent qualification and (d) region;...

Written Answers — Treasury: Regional Pay ( 9 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what representations he has received from (a) trades unions and (b) other bodies concerning his plans to introduce a stronger local and regional element to pay in the public sector.

Written Answers — Trade and Industry: Non-executive Directors ( 9 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what (a) discussions and (b) meetings her Department has had with the (i) chairman and (ii) members of the Financial Reporting Council concerning implementation of the recommendations contained in the Higgs review of the role and effectiveness of non-executive directors.

Written Answers — Health: Food Standards Agency ( 3 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Health pursuant to his answer of 11 March 2003, Official Report, column 237W, on the Food Standards Agency, what the total pay costs incurred by the Food Standards Agency were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Home Department: Migrant Workers ( 3 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department under what circumstances lower skilled migrants admitted under new schemes to alleviate labour shortages in the food processing and hospitality sectors will be permitted to remain in the United Kingdom for longer than 12 months.

Written Answers — Home Department: Migrant Workers ( 3 Jun 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what measures have been taken to raise awareness of the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme in countries outside the European Union.

Written Answers — Home Department: Traffic Wardens (21 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department pursuant to his answer of 21 March 2003, Official Report, column 966W, on traffic wardens, what the total pay costs for traffic wardens were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Home Department: Inspectorates (Pay Costs) (20 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department pursuant to his answer of 21 March 2003, Official Report, column 453W, on Inspections (Police), what the total pay costs incurred by (a) Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary, (b) the Police Standards Unit and (c) the Police Complaints Authority were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Education and Skills: Office for Standards in Education (19 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what the total pay costs incurred by the Office for Standards in Education were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Treasury: Inspectorates (19 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to his answer of 9April 2203, Official Report, column 269W, on Inspectorates, what the total costs incurred by the Inland Revenue were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Health: Radiologists (19 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many vacant NHS posts for consultant radiologists there were in March in (a) England, (b) each NHS region and (c) each NHS trust.

Written Answers — Health: Radiologists (19 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many additional (a) specialist registrar training places in radiology have been created and (b) consultant radiologists have been employed in (i) England and (ii) each NHS region in each of the last six years.

Written Answers — Deputy Prime Minister: Costs (19 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister, pursuant to his answer of 7 April, Official Report, column 115W, on Inspectorates, what the total pay costs incurred by the (a) Single Housing. Inspectorate and (b) Planning Inspectorate were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Home Department: Inspectorates (Pay Costs) (19 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department pursuant to his answer of 5 March 2003, Official Report, column 1096W, on prison inspectors, what the total pay costs incurred by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Transport: Highways Agency (16 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport pursuant to his Answer of 3 March 2003, Official Report, column 798W, on the Highways Agency, what the total pay costs incurred by the Highways Agency were in each year since 1997.

Written Answers — Transport: Pay Costs (16 May 2003)

Mr Archie Norman: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport pursuant to his Answer of 3 March 2003, Official Report, columns 796–7W, on Departmental Agency staff, what the total pay costs incurred by the (a) Vehicle Certification Agency, (b) Maritime and Coast Guard Agency and (c) Driving Standards Agency were in each year since 1997.

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