All 5 results for speaker:Bradley Thomas

Upcoming Business – Commons: Westminster Hall ()

Removal of VAT and business rates exemptions for independent schools – Bradley Thomas. Westminster Hall debate; 9:30 am – 11:00 am

Planning Policy: Traveller Sites — [Dame Siobhain McDonagh in the Chair] (11 Sep 2024)

Bradley Thomas: It is a pleasure to serve with you in the Chair, Dame Siobhain. I thank my hon. Friend the Member for Thirsk and Malton (Kevin Hollinrake) for securing this important debate. We need a planning system that respects the rights of the Traveller community but also provides local authorities with the power to support good development, while being able to enforce their planning policy. When I...

Winter Fuel Payment (10 Sep 2024)

Bradley Thomas: In the spirit of what my hon. Friend describes, I will cite the example of Betty Webb, a constituent of mine who received an MBE for her work as a codebreaker at Bletchley Park. She is 101 years old. She is a widow who lives alone. She is living in fear not just that the Government will take away the winter fuel allowance, but that in future they will snatch away the 25% single person’s...

Justice: Topical Questions (10 Sep 2024)

Bradley Thomas: The Secretary of State has said that she will review her prisoner early release scheme after 18 months, but will she go further and commit to ending it then, and if not, to returning to this House for a fresh vote on it?

Economy, Welfare and Public Services (22 Jul 2024)

Bradley Thomas: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker, for allowing me to make my maiden speech here in the mother of Parliaments, a global beacon of representative democracy. I congratulate the hon. Member for Peckham (Miatta Fahnbulleh) on her election and on making her inaugural contribution in this House. I am humbled to serve the people of Bromsgrove and the villages in my home county. I have some esteemed...

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