All 7 results for speaker:Luke Murphy

Prime Minister: Engagements (11 Sep 2024)

Luke Murphy: Many of my constituents, including those at Chapel Gate, have told me about the so-called management agents, who charge them rip-off service fees and then fail to provide even the most basic of maintenance. Many constituents spend hours each week battling these agents, just to ensure that they and their neighbours are not fleeced in their own homes. Will the Prime Minister recommit this...

Education: SEND Provision ( 9 Sep 2024)

Luke Murphy: What assessment she has made of the adequacy of the provision of SEND services.

Education: SEND Provision ( 9 Sep 2024)

Luke Murphy: I welcome the Secretary of State’s answer. On doorsteps, in surgeries and over email, families across Basingstoke have told me countless stories of the obstacles they have to go through just to have the barest acknowledgement of their child’s needs, only to go through a similar obstacle course for their child to be assessed, and yet again for them to get the help they are legally entitled...

Public Spending: Inheritance (29 Jul 2024)

Luke Murphy: Can I express the anger that many of my constituents will be feeling, not just about the economic mismanagement and the litany of broken promises from the Conservative party, but about the complete failure to be transparent both with them and with the British public at large? What does the Chancellor have to say to the Conservative party about the way it behaved in office?

Cabinet Office: Covid-19 Pandemic: Cost to Public Purse of Public Procurement Fraud (25 Jul 2024)

Luke Murphy: What recent estimate he has made of the cost to the public purse of fraud in public procurement during the covid-19 pandemic.

Cabinet Office: Covid-19 Pandemic: Cost to Public Purse of Public Procurement Fraud (25 Jul 2024)

Luke Murphy: I welcome the Minister and the entire ministerial team to their places. Public sector fraud underwent a massive spike during the pandemic, as personal relationships trumped proper due diligence. With billions of pounds still in the hands of fraudsters, it is imperative that the new Government work quickly to recover what was lost. I therefore also welcome the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s...

Clean Energy Superpower Mission (18 Jul 2024)

Luke Murphy: I welcome my right hon. Friend and his team to their place. He had the privilege of visiting Basingstoke college of technology during the election campaign to meet some of the fantastic apprentices and students there. Further to his answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Peterborough (Andrew Pakes), will he commit to working with colleges such as BCOT as he develops the plan for skills and...

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